Kawitan exhibit crows start of Chinese new year fete

IT’S ON, the month-long Kawitan ti Sanglay art exhibit practically kicked off the Chinese New Year celebration this year as host Peter Ng welcomed the Pasakalye artists saying that it could help their effort to reach out to the Baguio folk through arts. Ng led members of the Fil-Chinese community including William Ang, considered as the godfather of the community, in welcoming the artists mustered by Bookends owner Maricar Docyogen Thursday prior the fellowship with the local media.

Love will endure whatever may come

… and encouragement, I have come to realize how much my mother also struggled. She has always been in relatively good health, but since they had such a close relationship, she naturally became absorbed in what he was going through. I am sorry to say …

Letter: Let’s hold Trump to his promise

… benefits. During Monday’s farewell address, President Barack Obama again declared his willingness to support a health-care initiative that is better than Obamacare. So let’s hope the stage is set for a bipartisan approach to a more affordable and …

Brain glutathione levels–a novel biomarker for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.

Extant data from in vivo animal models and postmortem studies indicate that Alzheimer’s disease pathology is associated with reduction of the brain antioxidant glutathione , yet direct clinical evidence has been lacking. In this study, we investigated GSH modulation in the brain with AD and assessed the diagnostic potential of GSH estimation in hippocampi and frontal cortices as a biomarker for AD and its prodromal stage, mild cognitive impairment .

What tobacco control could do to the world

Policies to control tobacco use, including tobacco tax and price increases can generate significant government revenues for health and development work, according to a new landmark global report from World Health Organisation and the National Cancer Institute of the United States of America. Such measures can also greatly reduce tobacco use and protect people’s health from the world’s leading killers, such as cancers and heart disease.

Opportunity knocks as Anna Signeul pledges to give young players a…

Head coach Anna Signeul has 10 games to help her decide the make-up of her squad for the tournament in the Netherlands ANNA Signeul’s declaration that she will give up-and-coming players a chance to stake their claim for Euro 2017 selection can only help Scotland’s prospects in a tournament upon which so much depends. The Swede has lined up 10 preparation games with the squad setting out tomorrow for friendlies against Denmark in Cyprus, and she has pledged to give opportunities to realistic candidates in the first six or seven.

Dentists help Kenyans smile

A TEAM from a Swindon dental practice has just returned from putting a smile on the faces of more than 1,000 Kenyan villagers. Peter Yesudian, the oral surgeon from One Wood Street Advanced Dental Care in Swindon’s Old Town visited Kenya with three members of his dental team to provide treatment to those desperately in need.

Which will come first? An egg or the missing cash

SOMEWHERE in among the piles of discarded Christmas wrapping paper lies an envelope with A 100 in it, or so my daughter tells me. The piles of paper themselves are crunched in a heap in the grain barn, ready to act as starting fuel for a bonfire in the paddock consisting of rooted up hedge from where the new fruit trees have been planted.

‘As many sexual partners as they can get’

Brisbane doctor says dating apps have seen a rise in casual sex and STI rates in Queensland and it’s not uncommon for some people to have as many as 10 partners a day. CREDIT: ABC NEWS 24 DATING apps are fuelling rampant rates of sexual promiscuity, according to a leading Brisbane sexual health doctor who “quite frequently” treats patients who have sex with up to 10 people a day.

in the Paint: Jordan Non battles back into starting lineup at Forest City

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Lack of reform is the poison at the heart of HK politics

Mike Rowse says reflexive opposition to projects such as the Palace Museum again shows that the local political arena will remain adversarial until the people get to vote for their leader I remember the early hours of November 1, 1999, when we reached a final agreement with the Walt Disney Company after nine months of gruelling negotiations. There had been no public consultation on whether Hong Kong should have such a theme park before the deal was done, nor was there an open competitive tender.

Bird flu breaks out in Uganda

… are carriers of the virus. I’ve checked the website of the ministry of agriculture, as well as that of ministry of health and the major media, without finding another word about this outbreak. Is this H5N1, or H5N8? No idea. Maybe we’ll learn more …

Back briefs

If you haven’t signed up for health insurance, you may soon be getting a not-too-subtle nudge from the taxman. The IRS is sending personalized letters to millions of taxpayers who might be uninsured, reminding them that they could be on the hook for hundreds of dollars in fines under the federal health care law if they don’t sign up soon through HealthCare.gov .

a This experiment has faileda : House charts course to repeal health law

The House cleared the way Friday for speedy action to repeal the Affordable Care Act, putting Congress on track to undo the most significant health care law in a half-century. With a near party-line vote of 227-198, the House overcame the opposition of Democrats and the anxieties of some Republicans to approve a budget blueprint that allows Republicans to end major provisions of President Barack Obama’s health care law without the threat of a Democratic filibuster in the Senate.

Make North Carolina great again

… of residents. They tried to strip valuable assets away from local governments. They also thumbed their noses at health care reform. They prevented the state from setting up insurance exchanges to attract competition in the health insurance market …

UConn pitcher, 6-year-old linked by cancer fights

In this April 20, 2015 photo released by the University of Connecticut, leukemia patient Grayson Hand, center, bumps fists with UConn baseball coach Jim Penders, left, at a ceremony where he signed an honorary national letter of intent to become part of the UConn baseball team in Storrs, Conn.