A 2nd Act brings inspiring cancer-survivor stories to Mesa

A 2nd Act brings inspiring cancer-survivor stories to Mesa Cancer survivors come together to perform their stories in this curated stage performance. Check out this story on azcentral.com: http://azc.cc/2mvCSfm A 2nd Act, a live-performance group that highlights stories from women who have survived battles with cancer, will bring its inspirational messages to Mesa in a performance on Sunday.

‘Toughest diet I’ve ever done’

“HOW would you describe your health right now?” Dr Liu, a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, asked at our first meeting. He was sitting behind a beautiful wooden desk, in a large, light and airy consultation room at the 101 Wellbeing Centre in Brisbane.

Best massage: Montage Boutique Spa

Mira Costa High students Jean Paul and Bianca LeBosnoyani are rising through the ranks, on the jiu jitsu and wrestling mats, Surfers in the South Bay Boardriders Club Becker Surf contest made generally weak waves look good. Or maybe it was photographer Steve Gaffney who made the waves look good.

More Manitobans left with bills in thousands for hospital treatment in U.S.

More Manitobans are speaking out about being left with bills sitting in the thousands following their emergency visits to a hospital in the U.S. Verna Kittleson joins many in her community who have had to dig deep in to their pockets for thousands of dollars to pay for unexpected medical bills from the U.S. Kittleson said she has a heart condition that was fixed, but it came with a cost that brings pain every time she thinks about it. After hearing about Sprague resident, Robin Milne’s story shared by Global News, she agreed to share her story in hopes of adding to the push on the Minister of Health to start an agreement between Manitoba Health and the hospital in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

New case of mad cow disease found in Spain

The Ministry of Agriculture had found a new case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy or mad cow disease, which does not pose a threat to the Spanish health system, according to the Europapress news agency. The case was indentified in the village of Horcajo Medianero in Salamanca Province.

Roger Stone, Trump confidant, acknowledges ‘innocuous’ Twitter conversation with DNC hackers

But on Friday, during a brief conversation with conservative newspaper Washington Times , Stone admitted to exchanging complimentary direct messages – i.e. palling around with Guccifer 2.0. “It was so perfunctory, brief and banal I had forgotten it”, the political consultant told The Times on Friday with respect to a private Twitter exchange he had with “Guccifer 2.0”, a pseudonymous entity explicitly tied to the DNC hack. Stone told The Times in an email Thursday evening.

After Hair-Loss Drug Came Years of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is difficulty achieving and maintaining a sufficient erection to have sex. “In fact, in 2012, the Food and Drug Administration announced a label change for Propecia and Proscar , requiring the manufacturer to warn that the medication may be associated with ‘libido disorders, ejaculation disorders, and orgasm disorders that continued after discontinuation of the drug'”.

Electronic system lowers wait times for access to specialists

The findings provide some of the first evidence suggesting that using a web-based platform could improve access to specialists for underserved patients in any health system with significant constraints on specialty supply and access. In the Department of Health Services, primary care providers often had enormous difficulty getting timely specialty care for their low-income patients, ” said lead author Michael Barnett , assistant professor of health policy and management at Harvard Chan School.

Border Patrol Agents Rescue Lost Man

” remarked Del Rio Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Matthew J. Hudak. “Thanks to our tremendous partnerships and the skills of our personnel, this man’s story was brought to a safe and happy conclusion.”

Trail etiquette, a new breed of hikers and useful trekking apps

It’s still early days for our city’s country park visitors to grasp the green concept of bringing home one’s litter The government is facing an uphill battle to encourage hikers to be more environmentally aware and reduce the amount of litter left in country parks, figures show. In September 2015, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department launched its Take Your Litter Home public education programme in a bid to reduce the number of rubbish bins on trails.

Anthem supports parts of GOP health care bill, but wants more and fast

Insurance giant Anthem lent its support to parts of the Republican health care bill, saying changes must be made as soon as possible for the Obamacare market to survive. The company warned two Republican House committee leaders Thursday that without “significant regulatory and statutory changes,” it will begin to “surgically extract” itself next year from the 14 states where it participates on the individual market.

Republicans Battle Over Health Care Bill

Conservative Republicans demanded tougher changes Friday in insurance requirements and Medicaid than the House GOP health care bill proposes and warned they’d oppose the legislation if it isn’t reshaped. The White House signaled an openness to negotiate, but there was resistance from House leaders.

SEIU members ratify contract with county

… of 2 ½ percent in the first two years and a 3 percent raise in the final year. Employee contributions to health insurance are pegged at 10 percent in the first year, 11 ½ percent in the second year and 12 percent in the final year. Local …

Questioning othersa choices adds to divide

… their wealthy donors. This divide was brought to light again this past week during a discussion about the American Health Care Act, the Republicans’ proposed replacement for the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act. During an interview on CNN, …

Should Robots that Displace Workers Be Taxed?

Bill Gates made quite a stir recently when he said we should tax robots that replace workers. As technology grows at an ever-increasing pace, could this be a way to support and fund programs like Social Security and Medicare for an aging country? I am interested to hear what our audience thinks, so please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

How to Cope with Allergies & Asthma in 2017

In 2017, Live Science is bringing our readers a monthly series on personal health goals, with tips and tricks we’ve gathered from the many health experts we’ve interviewed. Each month, we’ll focus on a different goal, and the goal for March is exercise.

Chargers Relocation 60 Day Address

We’re now approaching the 60 day mark following the Chargers long dreaded migration to Los Angeles. The ash has seemed to settle from the burnt jerseys in San Diego, but many still standing fans are unsure of the future of the organization.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Made a Pledge to Support Women’s Reproductive Rights

The news surrounding women’s health hasn’t been too great lately; the tumultuous political climate and rapid-fire legislation have had women rushing to get IUDs and clutching their birth control like it’s, well, vital to their health and happiness. But the latest announcement from our neighbors to the North offers some welcome good news: On International Women’s Day, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau celebrated by pledging to use $650 million over the next three years to support women’s health initiatives worldwide.

FDA Files New Appeal Over E-Cigarettes

… yrockets for top performers! Other channels seek to redefine convenience! The economy enters a new stage. The growing health-and-wellness trend. Fuel demand; oil’s slide; multicultural momentum; and data, data, data!

Good news on the health insurance front! @spocko

Good news on the health insurance front! By Spocko We hear so many tragic stories about people who will go bankrupt and/or die because of the repeal of the ACA that I thought Americans would want some good news about health care insurance. (BTW, including that detail in the plan feels like something included just so it can get pulled out.

Exchange-Heart Lung Transplant

FOR RELEASE FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2017, AT 12:01 A.M. CST.-Spencer Kolman, 15, of Chicago, works on leg strength with his physical therapist Carol Hyde on Monday, February 27, 2017, at Children’s Hospital in St. Louis. Kolman was the only pediatric heart-lung transplant in U.S. last year.