… the many benefits alcohol provides as an important sector to the economy and the serious threats it causes to public health and safety. For these reasons, we can all agree that alcohol should be reasonably regulated. Title 4 statutes regulate the …
Category: Alaska
Murkowski: ACA replacement must protect Medicaid recipients
… and Cory Gardner of Colorado, they said, “Medicaid covers more than 72 million Americans and is the core of the health care safety net for individuals across the country.” Medicaid is a federal-state health care program for low-income people who are …
SHOCKER: Yeah, the GOP Isn’t Going to Repeal Obamacare.
… the first time. While I clearly have concerns about the expansion’s long-term costs, it has strengthened our native health system and reduced the number of uninsured that are coming into our emergency rooms.” She added, “So as long as this …
State raids cannabis shops, seizes CBD oil
Several retailers have confirmed that Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office enforcement seized thousands of dollars worth of imported cannabidiol oils on Feb. 9. “The Marijuana Control Board and AMCO staff will be managing this developing situation with the utmost care and concern,” stated a release from Sara Chambers, the acting director of the Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office. “Specific details cannot be released at this time because of the ongoing investigation.
Alaska’s next big crop will be … rhodiola? These farmers and researchers hope so.
With green-blue succulent leaves and bright yellow flowers, rhodiola rosea is right at home in cold climates, and since about 2009, more Alaska farmers and hobbyists have started growing and experimenting with it. More Alaska farmers are growing the Arctic plant rhodiola rosea and trying to turn it into a significant piece of the state’s agricultural industry.
The myth of pre-existing conditions
Democrats are warning that once Obamacare is repealed, people with serious illnesses won’t get health insurance. President Obama says repeal will mean going The truth is, every Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act protects people with pre-existing conditions.
In Alaska, footwear options abound to stay upright
Bachmann invented KickSpikes, a boot designed to walk on ice. Kick a button on the heel and 7mm steel cleats pop out.