
… until the end of this year or possibly sometime in 2018, he says. That’s fine, he says. Has he talked to his pick for Health and Human Services about that ? The Georgia Republican congressman is on the verge of becoming the Trump administration’s …

Facts About Social Security, Medicare in the Age of Trump May Surprise You

While the era of “alternative facts” dawned in Washington, experts from across the ideological spectrum gathered in the capital for a review of real facts about our two most important retirement programs: Social Security and Medicare. The annual policy research conference of the National Academy of Social Insurance focused on the group’s new report to the Donald Trump administration and Congress on the future of all our social insurance programs – those that cover retirement, but also those that protect the disabled, jobless, impoverished poverty and frail.

Could California go it alone on Obamacare?

That’s a question lawmakers might be asking residents in the months to come as President Donald Trump and the Republican Congress scurry to repeal the Affordable Care Act and scramble for a plan to replace it. One GOP-generated proposal would allow individual states to keep Obamacare-style health insurance – for a price.

Obamacare sign-ups decline in face of Trump repeal threat

Facing higher premiums, less choice and a last-minute advertising pullback, fewer people signed up for coverage this year through, according to data from a preliminary government report Friday. About 9.2 million people signed up through, the insurance marketplace serving most states, said the Health and Human Services department.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump’s travel ban nationwide

A U.S. judge on Friday imposed a nationwide hold on President Donald Trump’s ban on travellers and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries, siding with two states that had challenged the executive order that has launched legal battles across the country. U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle ruled that Washington state and Minnesota had standing to challenge Trump’s order, which government lawyers disputed, and said they showed their case was likely to succeed.

The Latest: White House still assessing Israeli settlements

The White House says new Israeli settlements or the expansion of existing ones beyond their current borders may not help achieve peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. Spokesman Sean Spicer says President Donald Trump’s administration doesn’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, although it has yet to take an official position on settlement construction.

Trump’s Hair Growth Medicine: What Is Finasteride?

Donald Trump’s personal doctor recently revealed that the president takes a handful of medications, including a daily aspirin to lower heart attack risk, an antibiotic to treat the skin condition rosacea, a statin to lower cholesterol – and a hair-loss drug called finasteride. The physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, credited finasteride with helping maintain Trump’s head of hair, as well as his own long locks.

Health Highlights: Feb. 2, 2017

… of the greatest minds from around the world to maintain the high quality of our biomedical research enterprise and health care services,” they wrote. “Limiting the exchange of ideas, practices, and data across cultures has the potential to …

Mystery woman infiltrates Trump talks

… The issue is a complex one for the new administration, as there would be a public outcry if it were to take away health insurance from the tens of millions who have obtained it under the program. Congressional Institute President Mark Strand emailed …

Commentary: Trump and Obama’s legacy

… to go down in history. Obamacare was passed into law to give some 20 million Americans the opportunity to purchase health Insurance through private Insurance companies subsidized by the Federal government. But from the start it wasn’t presented …

Guess Who Can’t Wait for Trumpcare?

… hasn’t been a particularly popular law since its passage in March 2010. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll, which has been conducted on a near-monthly basis since Obamacare’s passage, just a handful of months have …

John Stoehr: How free are we in the shadow of monopoly?

I had planned to write a column about the Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare, and how Connecticut should not wait around for Washington to act. President Donald Trump , on his first day in office, signed an executive order requiring federal agencies to “waive, defer, grant exceptions from or delay” any part of the health care law that imposes “financial or regulatory burdens” on anyone subject to it.

F&P Healthcare factories may move to counter proposed Trump tariffs on Mexico

Medical device firm Fisher & Paykel Healthcare will consider switching factories making products bound for the United States from Mexico to New Zealand if US President Donald Trump’s administration taxes Mexican imports. The company, a major global supplier of specialised respiratory equipment for hospitals, is one of the first companies with Mexican operations to disclose how it would respond to the Trump administration’s proposed tariff on imports from across the US southern border.

F&P Healthcare factories may move to counter proposed Trump tariffs on Mexico

Medical device firm Fisher & Paykel Healthcare will consider switching factories making products bound for the United States from Mexico to New Zealand if US President Donald Trump’s administration taxes Mexican imports. The company, a major global supplier of specialised respiratory equipment for hospitals, is one of the first companies with Mexican operations to disclose how it would respond to the Trump administration’s proposed tariff on imports from across the US southern border.

NORC Poll: Broad worries about potentiala

Though “Obamacare” still divides Americans, a majority worry that many will lose coverage if the 2010 law is repealed in the nation’s long-running political standoff over health care. AP-NORC Poll: Broad worries about potential health care loss WASHINGTON – Though “Obamacare” still divides Americans, a majority worry that many will lose coverage if the 2010 law is repealed in the nation’s long-running political standoff over health care.

New Zealand’s S&P Healthcare considers ways around proposed Trump tariffs on Mexico

New Zealand medical device firm Fisher & Payne Healthcare will consider switching factories making products bound for the United States from Mexico to New Zealand if U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration taxes Mexican imports. The company, a major global supplier of specialised respiratory equipment for hospitals, is one of the first companies with Mexican operations to disclose how it would respond to the Trump administration’s proposed tariff on imports from across the U.S. southern border.

End sought to state health care exchange

Regardless of what Republicans and President Donald Trump do in Congress when it comes to Obamacare, a Colorado state senator wants to do away with the state’s health care exchange. Freshman Sen. Jim Smallwood, R-Parker, said the state’s exchange, Connect for Health Colorado, isn’t working and needs to go away.

Health pick Price grilled

President Donald Trump’s choice to become health and human services secretary told a Senate committee Tuesday that the new administration believes that people with existing illnesses should not be denied health insurance. But Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., committed to no details on that or any aspects of how Republicans will reshape the previous president’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.