European shares ease ahead of Trump inauguration

MILAN, Jan 20 European shares fell, posting their biggest weekly loss since before Donald Trump won the U.S presidential election in November, as investors grew cautious before his inauguration. The STOXX 600 closed 0.1 percent lower, marking a five-day loss of almost 1 percent.

Health care field awaits another seismic shift

A patient receives dental work at the Straka Terrace clinic this week in Oklahoma City. [Photo by Paul Hellstern, The Oklahoman] As a mother checked in at the front desk of a south Oklahoma City health clinic, her two young boys made laps around her as they chased one another.

Ap Photos: Long-married Bushes hospitalized together

Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, have been married for 72 years – longer than any U.S. presidential couple. This week, they are being treated in the same Houston hospital, and receiving well-wishes from President Barack Obama, President-elect Donald Trump, former President Bill Clinton as well as their son, former President George W. Bush.

Treasury pick Steve Mnuchin: Sorry about foreclosures

Actor and director horrified and PETA calls for boycott of A Dog’s Purpose after behind the scenes footage caught animal ‘abuse’ on camera Bushes on the mend! Barbara is feeling ‘1,000%’ better after her treatment for bronchitis and doctors are looking to move her husband George H.W. out of the ICU Obama’s final hours in the White House: Only a skeleton staff continues to work in the West Wing as the outgoing President’s schedule has been cleared to pack and have one last lunch with Joe Biden Trump’s Treasury nominee says SORRY to people who were foreclosed by the bank he bought – and comes under fire over $100m real estate he did not disclose Steve Mnuchin says sorry over actions of OneWest after he and group of partners bought and ran sub-prime lender in wake of 2008 financial crisis He told Senate Finance Committee when he was quizzed about foreclosures that he had tried to minimize … (more)

a Gop Senator Told a Democrat To Lighten Up During a Confirmation Hearing. It Didn’t Go Well.

Sen. Pat Roberts’ attempt to break the ice at a hearing for President-elect Donald Trump ‘s pick to lead the Treasury backfired on Thursday. The Kansas senator opened the hearing by offering anti-anxiety drug valium to Sen. Ron Wyden , after he delivered a lengthy opening statement detailing the shady business history of Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s pick to lead the Treasury.

a Gop Senator Told a Democrat To Lighten Up During a Confirmation Hearing. It Didn’t Go Well.

Sen. Pat Roberts’ attempt to break the ice at a hearing for President-elect Donald Trump ‘s pick to lead the Treasury backfired on Thursday. The Kansas senator opened the hearing by offering anti-anxiety drug valium to Sen. Ron Wyden , after he delivered a lengthy opening statement detailing the shady business history of Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s pick to lead the Treasury.

Perry Stein

… a partner. “I have some very serious concerns about Trump,” said Swindell, who started Stanton Healthcare, a women’s health facility with multiple locations that does not offer contraception or abortions. “I am a feminist.” The Women’s March has a …


California officials on Wednesday withdrew their request to sell unsubsidized insurance policies to people who can’t prove they’re legally in the United States after learning the decision would fall to President-elect Donald Trump’s administration. Calling the decision “the first California casualty of the Trump presidency,” Sen. Ricardo Lara said he doesn’t trust the incoming administration to protect people’s privacy and health.

HHS nominee Price sees ‘access’ to coverage as health reform goal – Wed, 18 Jan 2017 PST

Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services and one of Congress’s most vehement critics of the Affordable Care Act, told senators on Wednesday that “it is absolutely imperative” for the government to ensure that all Americans “have the opportunity to gain access” to insurance coverage – a more modest goal than the incoming president has set forth in recent days. In a hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee committee, Price laid out the central elements of his years-long attempt to replace the ACA along conservative lines.

Battle lines on health, education

A new analysis that at least 18 million people could lose health insurance in the first year if Congress repeals the Affordable Care Act without replacing it intensified the battle this week over the landmark healthcare law as US President-elect Donald Trump and Republicans try to figure out how to dismantle it. Democrats seized on the report, issued by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, to discredit Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare and rally Americans who are insured under the programme.

Trump Nominee to Face Questions About Obamacare, Stock Trades

Democrats plan to make the Georgia Republican, a leading critic of Obamacare who authored his own conservative alternative to the law in Congress, defend his and Trump’s records on entitlement reform and health insurance. While Trump is in sync with Hill Republicans and Price on the need to repeal and replace Obamacare, he has split with his party on some of the details of reform.

Trump’s health pick set to defend investments at U.S. Senate hearing

President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for health secretary was expected to face hard questions from a U.S. Senate panel on Wednesday about his personal stock investments and proposals to dismantle Obamacare. Representative Tom Price, a Georgia orthopedic surgeon who has been in politics for more than 20 years, was chosen by fellow Republican Trump, who will become president on Friday, to head an agency that manages scores of healthcare programs.

A Warning to Trump From Friedrich Hayek

If American conservatives have an intellectual hero, it might well be Friedrich Hayek — and rightly so. More clearly than anyone else, Hayek elaborated the case against government planning and collectivism, and mounted a vigorous argument for free markets.

Sam Moore to sing at Trump inaugural event

Sam Moore of the soul duo Sam and Dave has been added to the list of performers for President-elect Donald Trump’s inaugural events. Moore told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he felt that the criticism leveled at singer Jennifer Holliday, which led to her to back out of the event, was unfair.

Donald Trump tweets at wrong Ivanka — and she hits back

President-elect Donald Trump tweeted at the wrong Ivanka on Monday night, and the British woman on the receiving end of his praise has hit back. Trump had quoted a tweet praising his daughter Ivanka, but the account mentioned in the tweet belongs to Ivanka Majic, a digital consultant from the British seaside town of Brighton.

Transition Tracker: Health insurance for everybody edition

President-elect Donald Trump now says he wants “insurance for everybody” when Obamacare is replaced, which caused nearly every pundit in Washington and beyond scrambling to figure out what exactly he means. Will everyone get health care? Or will everyone get access to health care? Does that mean it’ll be affordable to everyone? Can he get the Republican Congress unified behind that plan? Trump made waves over the weekend, telling The Washington Post that he wants “insurance for everybody,” and urging Congress to quickly put the replacement plan in place.

Transition Tracker: Health insurance for everybody edition

President-elect Donald Trump now says he wants “insurance for everybody” when Obamacare is replaced, which caused nearly every pundit in Washington and beyond scrambling to figure out what exactly he means. Will everyone get health care? Or will everyone get access to health care? Does that mean it’ll be affordable to everyone? Can he get the Republican Congress unified behind that plan? Trump made waves over the weekend, telling The Washington Post that he wants “insurance for everybody,” and urging Congress to quickly put the replacement plan in place.

I-10: Ten Things to Know in New Orleans this Week

That expansion, which took effect last July, has resulted in more than 378,000 newly insured Louisianans, according to figures provided by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals , whose director, Dr. Rebekah Gee, also spoke at the press conference. Refusing the Medicaid expansion was a cornerstone of former Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration, while Edwards had made it a campaign plank.

Trump Promises ‘Insurance For Everybody’

President-elect Donald Trump says his proposal to replace Obamacare will guarantee “insurance for everybody” and “great health care” that is “much less expensive and much better.” Here’s more from the Washington Post ‘s interview with Trump : As he has developed a replacement package, Trump said he has paid attention to critics who say that repealing Obamacare would put coverage at risk for more than 20 million Americans covered under the law’s insurance exchanges and Medicaid expansion.


Local nurses and community members gathered outside the state Capitol in Sacramento on Sunday evening for the continuation of the Affordable Care Act. Glatt says her daughter was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma just months after she became covered under the President Obama-led health care change.

Trump promises health care ‘for everybody’

President-elect Donald Trump wants health “insurance for everybody,” he told The Washington Post, no small feat in a country where millions are uninsured. The Republican has long lashed out at President Barack Obama’s signature health care law, the Affordable Care Act, campaigning on a pledge to repeal and replace it.