That’s an idea, but not the only one, that emerges from two small exhibitions that Yale University is mounting to mark the centennial of the War to End All Wars. “Yale Medicine Goes to War, 1917” and “Refugees, Immigration, and Library Books for Soldiers: A Selection of World War I Posters” are on view in the corridor and in the rotunda of the John Hay Whitney Medical Library over on Cedar Street at the medical campus.
Category: Libraries
Outreach Librarians receive training in connecting with the Aging Community
The NNLM SCR was excited to host its annual Outreach Librarian training session at the UNT Health Science Center campus in February. Outreach Librarians from the eighteen Resource Libraries within the NNLM SCR participated in the two day training session.
Dan offers library talks for Wellbeing Month
… an author and wellbeing trainer with autism spectrum disorder from Chichester. I have written Guided Meditations for Health & Wellbeing (a collection of therapeutic guided meditation scripts), Look Into My Eyes (about my personal and professional …
Sir Terry Pratchett set to be honoured with commemorative plaque
The life of much-loved fantasy author the late Sir Terry Pratchett will be honoured with a commemorative plaque at Beaconsfield Library next month. The plaque, will be unveiled at the library, in Reynolds Road, where Sir Terry was a Saturday boy and returned to give talks.
Save Time and Money by Finding Books with Library Extension for Chrome
It’s so easy to become focused on the convenience of accessing resources on-line and having them at our fingertips. But when we do that, we can tend to forget about the powerful resources in our communities.
The biggest challenge for libraries in an era of fake news
Imagine, for a moment, the technology of 2017 had existed on Jan. 11, 1964 – the day Luther Terry, surgeon general of the United States, released “Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States .”
Scholars fret about fate of ‘holy grail’ German abbey books
With the closure of the abbey of the uniquely women-led Bridgettine Order the more than 500 books of the library are … . In this Dec. 6, 2016 photo Sister Apollonia historian Volker Schier looks at a mural in the abbey in Altomuenster, Germany.