France to cull 800,000 ducks

France on Wednesday ordered a massive cull of ducks in three regions most affected by a severe episode of bird flu as it tries to contain the virus which has been spreading quickly over the past month, the agriculture ministry said. All free range ducks, as well as geese, will be slaughtered between January 5 and january 20 in an area in southwestern France comprising parts of the Gers, Landes and Hautes-Pyrenees administrative departments, it said in a statement.

Cheese Has These 5 Secret Health Benefits

… of others, as proof that the thousands of molecules that come together to form cheese actually make it good for our health. Can we get an amen?! Cheese contains tons of protein, which bodies need to build cell structures, and helps you stay full …

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Study provides hope for troops

A type of talk therapy has shown strong, if initial, results in helping active-duty soldiers manage post-traumatic stress disorder, which has been associated with suicide. The federal government should accelerate secondary research to ensure the treatment’s efficacy, then double-time the therapy to hospitals and deployment zones.

Soup for the soul, and the waistline

… less and have smaller waists than people who don’t eat soup. More than 20,000 Americans were surveyed by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys between 2003 and 2008. Turns out that soup consumers also had better overall eating habits …

The Bottom Line Of Your New Year’s Resolution

… still aren’t convinced, or your habit is a little less drastic than that, check out this infographic from Guard Your Health that elaborates how much cash you are losing to tobacco. If you are committing to one new year’s resolution, for both your …

Future of Global Hops Market : 2016 – 2024

… has developed as the most dominant market in 2015. Changing lifestyle with the rise in stomach disorders and other health-related diseases globally, has strengthened the growth of global hops market and hence is projected to significantly expand the …

Future of Global Hops Market : 2016 – 2024

… has developed as the most dominant market in 2015. Changing lifestyle with the rise in stomach disorders and other health-related diseases globally, has strengthened the growth of global hops market and hence is projected to significantly expand the …

New cafe opens at Ulverston

Owner and acupuncturist Dr Lilla Cooper believes that it is important to treat the ‘whole person’ when it comes to health. “The ethos of Chinese medicine is treating the whole person and I realised that as well as treating the physical problem, I also wanted to help people look after themselves with what they eat,” she said.

See what happens to your body in the hours, days, weeks, months and years after you quit smoking

As many people quit smoking for their New Year’s resolution, here’s a breakdown of what happens to your body As 2017 gets under way, many smokers will have taken their last puff – and there’s no doubt that quitting smoking is the best thing they can do for their health. We know that we all die eventually, but smokers die on average 10 years earlier and tragically from much more painful and debilitating illnesses, such as lung cancer, heart attacks and strokes.

4 Cooking Mistakes That Make You Gain Weight

… as if you had ordered takeout or dined at a restaurant. Avoid these 4 common blunders to take full advantage of the health opportunity home cooking offers. Many of my clients start keeping food diaries soon after our first consultation, and some are …

Candy crush…almost

A candy is not only an element made of sugar and flavours that thrives in your body in the shape of flabs; rather it is the Severus Snape to your little Hogwarts that is called ‘life’. When your whole world is falling apart, when you fail your test, when you try to stop yourself from calling your ex, when you remember that your mother did not feed you that ‘ek baati payesh’ before your exam, candy comes to your rescue.

Kay’s Cooking Corner

… it will make it. I look forward to seeing how it will produce this next spring and summer. Lemons offer substantial health benefits, from a hot lemon drink to soothe a cold, to natural products for health and beauty. Originally found in Northern …

Make 2017 a different year

From the lavish tables of the rich and mighty, to the poorest spreads of the less privileged, everyone tries to eat something special to celebrate the season. Restaurants and hotels compete in attracting customers with colourful and scrumptious menus priced much higher than usual, taking advantage of the festive mood and the somehow fuller wallet after receiving the end of the year bonus.

The Case for Eating Butter Just Got Stronger

… had become “the most vilified nutrient in the American diet” despite the scientific evidence showing it didn’t harm health or cause weight gain in moderation. ” For the last few years there’s been research and commentary suggesting that this focus …

Resolved: A no-diet new year starts now

… weight while I was still young. If we’d asked a doctor, they likely would have said dieting for an 11 year old was a health risk. But we didn’t ask a doctor. My mom’s own body-image demons clouded her ability to determine what was truly best for my …

Ryan Seacrest gets stuck in Times Square elevator, rescued

TV host Ryan Seacrest says he and about five other people got stuck in a Times Square elevator before an appearance on ABC’s “Good Morning America” and were rescued by firefighters. The host of “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest” was heading up to the crystal ball on Friday morning when the elevator got stuck.