Starting your day off gulping down a glass of milk might seem like a quick and nutritious start to your day Milk drinking is a routine many of us get used to from childhood, and many carry well into adulthood. But have we been drinking milk all wrong? Milk may be better saved as an end of day drink to help you wind down and crank up the sleep inducing serotonin and melatonin levels in your body.
Category: Milk
If You’re Gluten Free, You May Be Dairy Free As Well
One thing that many celiacs and gluten free people discover upon becoming gluten free is other food intolerances. If you have eliminated gluten from your diet but still have discomfort and other gastrointestinal symptoms, maybe it’s time to consider that you have another intolerance.
How to prevent kidney stones
… nerally low in oxalate. For more information on diet changes that can lower your risk for kidney stones, talk to your health care provider or a dietitian. He or she can help guide your dietary choices to reduce your risk.