… if you are someone who is at risk of suffering serious consequences from the flu. Check with Brown County Public Health for information on influenza, and practical measures you can take, like handwashing and covering coughs and sneezes, to protect …
Category: Opinion
Will moderates end GOP love affair with deficits?
… bulge straining Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid – particularly long-term care – and the nation’s overall health care system. Then, Republicans ditched predictable old deficit-reduction policies for the sexy appeal of tax cuts and deficits: the …
Bad behavior all around
… repeal or block masses of regulations, and then defeated Democratic amendments to keep those that protect children’s health from air pollution and lead in water, safety of miners, nuclear power plant safety, insurance coverage for persons with …
Our View: Government should be able to negotiate drug prices
… Thursday he is reintroducing a bill that would allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices. The Prescription Drug and Health Improvement Act could save the federal government up to $24 billion. The Veterans Administration and Medicaid already negotiate …
President Trump’s crazy policies come in all sizes
… been ordered to not enforce parts of the Affordable Care Act they don’t like. You know, the law that helped extend health insurance to 20 million people, including those with pre-existing conditions. Oddly, when a group of people were recently …
President Trump’s crazy policies come in all sizes
… been ordered to not enforce parts of the Affordable Care Act they don’t like. You know, the law that helped extend health insurance to 20 million people, including those with pre-existing conditions. Oddly, when a group of people were recently …
Helping build a positive dialogue on cancer
Eleven lakh new people will be added to the list of cancer patients in India by the end of 2017. The Tata Memorial Centre in Mumbai gets around 67,000 new patients every year, and the number is on the rise.
Helping build a positive dialogue on cancer
Eleven lakh new people will be added to the list of cancer patients in India by the end of 2017. The Tata Memorial Centre in Mumbai gets around 67,000 new patients every year, and the number is on the rise.
Local woman asks Republicans to keep ACA
The Affordable Care Act [ACA] has helped to standardize health insurance plans for all Americans. All plans provide 10 essential health benefits such as preventative care services, prescription drug coverage, capped out-of-pocket expenses, no lifetime limits and coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions.
Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz take to TV to debate future of Obamacare
SHOWDOWN: Sens. Bernie Sanders, above, and Ted Cruz, appeared on CNN last night to compare and contrast their views on Obamacare. Cruz, a Texas Republican and Affordable Care Act opponent, wants to lower health care costs by increasing competition in the health insurance industry.
SPCA Tampa Bay offers dog training classes
SPCA Tampa Bay will offer a number of classes in the coming weeks at various locations across the Tampa Bay area. For information or to register for a class, call 727-586-3591, ext.
How the Affordable Care Act affected me
We moved in together and started carving out a living working in tourism. In Alaska, the industry is seasonal.
Opinion of council committee divided on proposed ‘vaping’ ban
Allegheny County Council members heard from eight experts and nearly two dozen residents during a public hearing Monday on a bill that would ban the use of electronic vapor devices in public places. The measure, which is supported by the Allegheny County Board of Health and County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, would relegate e-cigarettes and hand-held vaporizers to the same status of tobacco products, which are banned in locations such as schools, government buildings, sports stadiums and public indoor spaces.
Don’t judge parents over – smart pills’ for ADHD kids
Christian Chan says the recent furore over the supposed overuse of stimulants to help children with ADHD may be hypocritical, given the realities of the rat race in a winner-takes-all world A Hong Kong psychiatrist recently said in a Facebook post that some primary school children diagnosed with mild symptoms of attention deficit hyperactive disorder were using prescribed medication – which are essentially stimulants – to enhance their attention and, in turn, their academic performance. He claimed that this was becoming a problem in some schools.
Addressing the ACA with Morgan Griffith’s staff
… Bulletin on Feb. 3 that was very balanced and gave Mr. Griffith an opportunity to respond to our concerns. I realize health care is a very complicated issue and not easily solved. However, one of Mr. Griffith’s comments that was quoted in the …
Wrong prescription: Government charges hospital high rate to repay Medicare funds
In case representatives of one federal agency haven’t noticed, health care facilities are dealing with quite a bit lately. One of their biggest concerns is what changes members of Congress and the Trump administration may make to the Affordable Care Act.
Secondhand sugars are the new secondhand smoke
If you saw a pregnant woman smoking, you would undoubtedly be concerned about the health of her child. But if you saw a pregnant woman drinking a soda, would you bat an eye? The comparison may seem extreme, but the parallels between tobacco and sugar run deeper than you might imagine.
Editorial voices from newspapers around the United States.
… keep what’s been clearly successful about this program. Don’t leave millions of Americans without adequate access to health care.
Trump’s election is the last, best hope to re-Reaganize the GOP
… backed both men in their presidential campaigns. Reagan’s conservatism even supported the idea of universal health coverage. He opposed Medicare only because he felt it unnecessary in light of another federal bill, the Kerr-Mills Act . That …
DHH and Dr. Gee Need To Do Their Job
… why Louisiana’s budget is such a mess? A big reason is the amount of money taxpayers are spending on Medicaid. Health care is important, but so are the other goods and services we pay for and expect to receive from government. Medicaid is the …
Here’s how to reform health care
Our nation’s health care system is a mess. The industry spends $3 trillion annually and constitutes more than 17 percent of the nation’s GDP.
Commentary: Doctors writing prescription to improve U.S. health care
Health care in America has been sick for decades, but the acuity of the illness has progressed rapidly in recently years. Sadly, the Affordable Care Act doubled down on the failing system and has put families at a breaking point.
Gage Krakower and the healing power of music
After his parents started to have problems, leading to his dad’s suicide in Feb. 2016, he thought he’d already gone through the worst. But when his mom, Kerry, was diagnosed with cancer later in the summer, it put him over the edge.
Letter: Lawmakers should treat Utahns as adults
The ground trembled today: Are we having an earthquake? Was this the march to Utah’s Capitol? Or the trembling of fear once Donald J. Trump became president? No, it was none of these things. It was Utah smokers tramping to Idaho and Wyoming to bring back contraband cigarettes.
Guest column: Open letter on DeVos
Betsy DoVos, Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education could drain much-needed funds from public education, writes Kim Jockush. As we transition to a new administration whose leadership can make our country greater, or whose leadership can dismantle the institutions that made our country great in the first place, I implore you to consider carefully the credentials of those appointed by Mr. Trump.
Uncertain future for Californiaa s anti-smog efforts: Thomas Elias
Cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are down about three percent over the last 40 years in California, even as state population is up by well over one-third, better than 15 million, and far more smog-belching vehicles than ever clog the roads. This is a major public health achievement, and the single biggest reason behind it is the 45-year-old federal Clean Air Act and its provisions for California waivers.
Addictions should be treated with the same urgency as wildfires
… of community members. Yet, nearly a year after the Christy Clark government branded the fentanyl crisis as a public health emergency, ambulances and naloxone remain one of the only responses available to stem the tide of deaths. Even if the B.C. …
Repeal or retain? Election opens final act for ‘Obamacare’
In this Monday, March 31, 2014 file photo, people line up to enroll for health insurance at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas, hours before the deadline in the first enrollment period of the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act and/or any replacement will doom private insurance in our country if these two problems are not addressed: 1) Private insurance cannot insure people with a preexisting condition any more than you can insure a “burning house.”
Gail Collins: Is Mike Pence is pulling the strings?
… one of the first things he did as president was to sign an order that will eliminate American aid to international health programs that provide information on abortion. Every Republican president since Ronald Reagan has issued the order, which is …
School grades, vouchers, medical costs, Medicare, insurance, Women’s March
… Jan. 22 Page One story. It was refreshing to read an article of this length that didn’t blame the high costs of health insurance and hospital costs on Obamacare. Has Trump already solved the problem or is there a tacit admission the problem is and …
Blue light may activate key immune cells
For many of us, winter means that we get up and go to work in the dark and return home in the dark, never seeing the sun.
Guest Column: My 2016 included a lot of bad – and good
… Center in Peoria. Along with great medical care, they gave me hope – a valuable commodity for anyone dealing with health issues. I always enjoyed it when a nurse would say, “I’m off for the next couple of days, and please don’t take this personally …
Looking for community leaders
… as high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis and diabetes, learn to manage their conditions and take control of their health. The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) and Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP) was created at Stanford …
Guest opinion: Repeal and replac…
… status quos; but rather a new approach that puts you – the patient – first, and brings choice and competition to health insurance. Patients, doctors, and businesses have been dealing with the failures of Obamacare since it was enacted. Millions of …
Trump Disembowels Obamacarea Slowly and Painfully
… is difficult to repeal because it was designed to alleviate a problem too costly for the government alone to fix. The health care law was passed to make medical care more accessible for low-income Americans and those with pre-existing conditions. …
Editorial: Obamacare repeal would give to the rich and take from the poor
The debate on repealing Obamacare has rightly focused on all those Americans who would be hurt – the estimated 18 million who could lose their health insurance in the first year.
Hood: Don’t squander the coming surplus
… detriment as well as their own.) Recessionary prospects aren’t the only reasons to save. North Carolina’s state health plan and pension fund are underfunded by billions of dollars. Past politicians promised generous benefits to teachers and state …
Leader comment: Cameron’s dementia funding call is frustrating
… rising numbers requiring care while living longer than their forebears is going to create an enormous strain of the health service. If research can limit or slow the effects of dementia, it will represent a vital investment. But we hear regular …
Fight against Alzheimera s must be kept up
… 2014; in 2015, Congress passed a $350 million increase for Alzheimer’s disease research at the National Institutes of Health. Importantly, a $400 million increase was pending before the 114th Congress for FY17, and will now need action by the 115th …
Fight against Alzheimera s must be kept up
… 2014; in 2015, Congress passed a $350 million increase for Alzheimer’s disease research at the National Institutes of Health. Importantly, a $400 million increase was pending before the 114th Congress for FY17, and will now need action by the 115th …