George Whitaker III: Finding new hope against throat cancer

Since 2010, when his throat cancer was first diagnosed, George Whitaker III has had more than 60 radiation treatments, enough to change his morning routine for good. Since 2010, when his throat cancer was first diagnosed, George Whitaker III has had more than 60 radiation treatments, enough to change his morning routine for good.

Is Vaping the Best Way to Stop LGBT Smoking?

Conversations about improving LGBT health are dominated by three topics: reducing HIV, improving mental health, and ending the epidemic of suicide in our community. But there is another issue facing LGBT people, and it demands to be addressed: smoking.

Board attaches higher fees to vape shops in Forsyth County

Forsyth County commissioners unanimously approved new rules for stores selling “non-traditional tobacco paraphernalia, e-cigarettes and alternative nicotine products.” At a recent work session, Forsyth County commissioners unanimously approved new rules for stores selling “non-traditional tobacco paraphernalia, e-cigarettes and alternative nicotine products.”

Designing gaming to change attitudes

… Lab. He co-founded the lab with University of Chicago professor Melissa Gilliam to produce video games that focus on health and social issues. “This is exactly what is interesting about gaming – the coming together of science and technology on one …

Vaping has fewer toxins than smoking, experts say

VAPING has been given an emphatic thumbs-up by health experts after the first long-term study of its effects in former smokers. People who switched from real to e-cigarettes had far fewer toxins and cancer-causing substances in their bodies after six months than continual smokers, scientists found.

E-cigarettes ‘safer’ than regular cigarettes

The research found that after six months, people who switched from real to e-cigarettes had far fewer toxins and cancer-causing substances in their bodies than continual smokers. British scientists studied 181 smokers, and ex-smokers who used e-cigarettes or nicotine replacement therapy products such as patches for at least six months.

Written Reply by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Environment…

To ask the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources what measures can be taken to prevent smokers who drop cigarette ashes and dispose used cigarette butts from their flats to their neighbours’ units resulting in potential fire hazards and health concerns. The indiscriminate disposal of cigarette butts from one’s residential unit is an anti-social act which also poses a potential fire hazard if the cigarette butt is still lit when it is dropped.

Opinion of council committee divided on proposed ‘vaping’ ban

Allegheny County Council members heard from eight experts and nearly two dozen residents during a public hearing Monday on a bill that would ban the use of electronic vapor devices in public places. The measure, which is supported by the Allegheny County Board of Health and County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, would relegate e-cigarettes and hand-held vaporizers to the same status of tobacco products, which are banned in locations such as schools, government buildings, sports stadiums and public indoor spaces.

Study: E-cigs can serve as a gateway for adolescents

The latest research on the subject published in the Journal Pediatrics says e-cigarette use by teens during 2014 was on the rise. The study showed teens using flavored versions like “Gummy bear” and “Bubble gum” were less likely to see tobacco smoking as dangerous and therefore more likely to take up cigarette smoking.

Secondhand sugars are the new secondhand smoke

If you saw a pregnant woman smoking, you would undoubtedly be concerned about the health of her child. But if you saw a pregnant woman drinking a soda, would you bat an eye? The comparison may seem extreme, but the parallels between tobacco and sugar run deeper than you might imagine.

Smoking’s hidden costs

… The members take part in the class once a week in their fight against diseases like Emphysema or COPD. Public health expert Nick Wilson said New Zealand’s goal of being smokefree by 2025 was unlikely without more progress from politicians. Wilson …

Queenslanders call for more smoking bans

More than half of all Queenslanders support banning people born after 2001 from buying or smoking tobacco, according to a Cancer Council Queensland survey. The Everyday Health Survey on Tobacco, released on World Cancer Day on Saturday, showed 58 per cent of Queenslanders in favour of making it illegal for young people born after 2001 to smoke.

A Popular High Dividend Stock for Retirement Portfolios

While it may come as a surprise, history has shown us many of the best long-term investments are not hyper-growth companies but much more boring dividend growth machines. For example, in the last 50 years, Altria Group Inc. has been one of the best-performing stocks on a total return basis , rising an incredible 6,648 fold.

Cancer in women rising far faster than rates in men

Cancer in women is rising six times faster than cancer in men, with obesity partly to blame, new figures show. Data published by Cancer Research UK showed that unhealthy lifestyles are contributing to a rise in cancer cases among both sexes, but women are bearing the brunt of the increase.

Too Few Current, Former Smokers Screened for Lung Cancer

Most current and former smokers in the United States don’t get screened for lung cancer even though they’re at increased risk for the deadly disease, a new study reveals. The findings highlight the need to educate doctors and at-risk patients about lung cancer screening, according to the American Cancer Society researchers.

Too few current, former smokers screened for lung cancer

Most current and former smokers in the United States don’t get screened for lung cancer even though they’re at increased risk for the deadly disease, a new study reveals. The findings highlight the need to educate doctors and at-risk patients about lung cancer screening, according to the American Cancer Society researchers.

Cigarette tax bill clears Indiana House panel

Indiana could bar minors under 21 from buying cigarettes and raise the tax per pack by $1.50 under a measure approved by a House panel. Republican Rep. Cindy Kirchhofer of Beech Grove says the bill will help address the state’s high smoking rates and improve Indiana’s overall health.