Hope, Trump upstage ‘La La Land’s’ moment in the sun

Chart shows films with most Golden Globe nominates in 2017; 2c x 3 inches; 96.3 mm x 76 mm; By JOCELYN NOVECK Associated Press Donald Trump was not in attendance at the Golden Globes, but he was there in spirit – or more precisely, as the target of a slew of political barbs. By JOCELYN NOVECK Associated Press Donald Trump was not in attendance at the Golden Globes, but he was there in spirit – or more precisely, as the target of a slew of political barbs, not to mention an… Actress Meryl Streep earned a lifetime achievement award at the Golden Globes Sunday and in accepting, turned the spotlight away from herself.

Ethics reviews incomplete for several Trump picks

Several of President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet choices have not completed a full review to avoid conflicts of interest, the government’s ethics office says, even as Republican senators move quickly to hold at least nine confirmation hearings this week. In a letter to Senate leaders, the director of the Office of Government Ethics described the current status of several nominees, some of whom are billionaires and millionaires, in the ethics process and expressed concern about the lack of ethics reviews just days from committee hearings.