RS issues First Polar Ship Certificate

The first Polar Ship Certificate was issued by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping . The document was released by Murmansk Branch on 22 December, 2016 in the port of Murmansk to the tanker Shturman Albanov, owned by SCF Group.

Thank you for a revolutionary year throughout 2016… Here’s why 2017 …

Thank you for a revolutionary year throughout 2016 Here’s why 2017 may be the most astonishing year of our lives As we approach the end of 2016, we have all shared extraordinary successes, breakthroughs and revolutionary realizations that have reshaped human history. It has been a vibrant journey to share 2016 with all of you, and I want to thank you for your support, your comments, your suggestions and your advocacy of our mission.

Barack Backhands Bibi

Did the community organizer from Harvard Law just deliver some personal payback to the IDF commando? So it would seem. By abstaining on that Security Council resolution declaring Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem illegal and invalid, raged Bibi Netanyahu, President Obama Hence, we have an Israeli leader all but castigating an American president as a backstabber and betrayer, while the White House calls Bibi a liar.

GOP faces uphill fight on Obamacare

Republican Senate and House leaders who have summarily decided on a “repeal and dawdle” plan for Obamacare don’t seem to understand what they are up against. They see House and Senate majorities, an incoming president who vowed to repeal all of Obamacare and a reconciliation process that allows them to gut Obamacare taxes and subsidies, essentially killing the program with 51 votes in the Senate.

Japanese prime minister offers condolences at Pearl Harbor

Seventy-five years after Imperial Japanese warplanes destroyed the Pacific fleet here and drew the United States into World War II, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan on Tuesday stood next to President Barack Obama at the site of the attack and offered repentance but did not apologize. “I offer my sincere and everlasting condolences to the souls of those who lost their lives here, as well as to the spirits of all the brave men and women whose lives were taken by a war that commenced in this very place, and also to the souls of the countless innocent people who became victims of the war,” Abe said.

Phil Jackson, Jeanie Buss say they have ended engagement

In a historic pilgrimage, the leaders of Japan and the United States took to the hallowed waters of Pearl Harbor on Tuesday to prove that even the bitterest enemies can become allies. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not… A federal appeals court is weighing a challenge by death row inmates of an Ohio law that shields the names of companies that provide lethal injection drugs.

Editorial: A Congress strengthened by diversity

But there’s nothing homogeneous about how – or whether – Americans embrace that conviction in their personal lives. For more than two centuries, the Bill of Rights has barred the establishment of any particular religion while upholding the free exercise of all of them.

See yaa 2016 a ” it’s a wrap on an interesting year

Dang, I hate writing in advance of deadline. I had a column lined up to coincide with the Winter Solstice , and the days getting longer; I took a picture of the first mailed seed catalog in a snow pile; I was gonna’ be all “Cheer up, Buckaroo! Things are getting better,” for my last column of the year.

Trump’s Favorability Hits All-Time High

There as been some recent poll data that shows just over half of U.S. voters are now seeing President-elect Donald Trump as a viable, and favorable President of the United States, although there are still strong negative opinions that continue to outweigh the strong positive ones . It’s not the best, but it is better, and looks as if it can definitely continue on a positive up, with the new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finding out that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters have a favorable outlook of Trump, while 47% view him still view the man unfavorably.

St. Lawrence County Legislature search committee fills District 5 seat

The St. Lawrence County Legislative Search Committee on Tuesday morning appointed Henry J. Leader to the District 5 St. Lawrence County Legislature seat vacated by Travis E. Dann last week. During a special meeting Monday night, the search committee interviewed the candidates in separate interviews, then ultimately chose Mr. Leader, a village of Gouverneur resident.

St. Lawrence County Legislature search committee fills District 5 seat

The St. Lawrence County Legislative Search Committee on Tuesday morning appointed Henry J. Leader to the District 5 St. Lawrence County Legislature seat vacated by Travis E. Dann last week. During a special meeting Monday night, the search committee interviewed the candidates in separate interviews, then ultimately chose Mr. Leader, a village of Gouverneur resident.