After suite misuse, rebuild public trust in stadium leadership

Ted Mondale, executive director of the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority, and Michele Kelm-Helgen, the authority’s chair, responded after Minnesota Legislative Auditor James Nobles delivered a report at a joint meeting of the House and Senate State Government Finance committees on Tuesday on use of the luxury suites at the U.S. Bank Stadium. A four-hour hearing last Tuesday allowed Minnesota legislators to ask dozens of hard-hitting questions about the use of U.S. Bank Stadium luxury suites by the public facility’s governing board and executive director.

Opposition to Trump, HB2 Beef Up ‘Moral March on Raleigh’

Protesters are gathering for the “Moral March” in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Feb. 11, 2017, the photo was taken in front of the North Carolina State Capitol building. A massive crowd attended Saturday’s annual civil rights rally in North Carolina’s capital, beefed up by protesters energized in opposition to President Donald Trump and to a state law limiting LGBT rights and which public bathrooms transgender people can use.

Republican green-card holder who voted illegally in Texas gets 8 years in prison

A permanent U.S. resident living in Texas has been sentenced to eight years in prison for illegally voting, a punishment that will likely result in the woman’s deportation after she completes her sentence. On Wednesday, a Tarrant County, Tex., jury convicted 37-year-old Rosa Maria Ortega on two felony charges of illegal voting, for casting a ballot as a noncitizen in 2012 and 2014.

Lindsay Mackenzie: Trump’s lesson in American history

Nearly three weeks into Donald Trump’s presidency many would have assumed that his campaign rhetoric would fade to be replaced by something more tempered and nuanced; whether because of mainstream Republican influence or merely through the mechanics of governing a country as diverse as the United States. This hasn’t happened.

Trump’s travel ban legal battle an uphill undertaking

After his travel ban suffered two defeats in the US court system, President Donald Trump has vowed to continue his judicial fight — but with the controversial measure now on shaky ground, it is likely to be an uphill battle. Trump’s executive order — issued on January 27 with no prior warning — suffered two blows over the course of two weeks in western US courts.

Massachusetts Democrats waging resistance to President Trump

Beacon Hill is replete with images of Massachusetts’ revolutionary past – a past that is feeling much closer to Democrats waging their own resistance to Republican President Donald Trump . Since the election, state Democrats have passed through several stages of political grief before landing on the up-in-arms stage.

US Marine captain writes stinging op-ed: ‘We lost the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan’

An active-duty US Marine captain wrote a stinging op-ed for the Marine Corps Gazette, going through all the problems he sees with the Department of Defense and the Marine Corps in addition to recent failures in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Let us first begin with the fundamental underpinnings of this delusion: our measures of performance and effectiveness in recent wars,” he wrote.

ARMAGEDDON. Legislation Introduced To Reduce EPA Power

Representative Sam Johnson has had enough of the EPA attempting to insinuate itself into every aspect of American life. Rather than taking the radical route of simply doing away with it, which is how Representative Matt Gaetz would deal with the issue , Johnson proposes shuttering EPA’s most wasteful and intrusive programs which, oddly enough, comprises most of what that agency does.

John Kelly says San Ysidro tour not about ‘Draconian moves’

Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly promised “no Draconian moves” while attempting to define so-called sanctuary cities and praised law enforcement officials during a tour of the San Ysidro port of entry Friday. Kelly toured the security operations at the U.S.-Mexico border crossing, the busiest land border crossing in the world, where he also spoke with California state and federal law enforcement agencies about improving border security.

Protests Against Planned Parenthood and Counterprotests Around US Today

From Maine to California to Hawaii, hundreds of protests against Planned Parenthood and counterprotests in support of the nonprofit health organization are taking place across the country Saturday. #ProtestPP, a national coalition opposed to abortion rights that seeks to end any public funding for Planned Parenthood, says 225 rallies are planned in 45 states so far.

Mar-a-Lago stirs protests, spurs ethics debate

He has described the sprawling Mar-a-Lago property as the Winter White House and has spent two weekends there so far this month. But it’s also become a magnet for anti-Trump protesters and the subject of an ethics debate over his invitation to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to join him this weekend – with Trump pledging to pay for the accommodations.

Yale drops slavery proponent Calhoun from college name

After years of debate, Yale University is changing the name of a residential college that honors a 19th century alumnus who ardently supported slavery. After years of debate, Yale University is changing the name of a residential college that honors a 19th century alumnus who ardently supported slavery.

Pro-lifers call on Congress to defund nation’s largest abortion provider

Outside the Planned Parenthood in Springfield and all across the nation, pro-life groups peacefully demonstrated, calling on Congress to strip the abortion provider of federal funding, Saturday Feb. 11. The national event was organized by #Protest PP. “The reason for being out here today is the defunding issue that’s before the U.S. Congress regarding Planned Parenthood.

Police seize Sicilian olive companies linked to Mafia boss

Anti-abortion activists emboldened by the new administration of President Donald Trump are staging rallies around the country calling for the U.S. to cut off payments to Planned Parenthood. Police say a 29-year-old woman plunged about 30 feet to her death off an escalator inside the famed World Trade Center Oculus.

US opposes Palestinian’s appointment to top UN post

The Trump administration opposed the appointment of a senior Palestinian leader for a top United Nations post Friday over concern that the move would boost the Palestinian cause at the world body. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres sent a letter to the Ukraine ambassador, who serves as president of the Security Council, informing the council of his intention to appoint former Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to be his special representative for Libya, according a copy of the letter shown to CNN.

Trump tweets against travel ban ruling citing refugees

‘I love all my moms’: Hundreds of polygamists and their families led by the ‘Sister Wives’ descend on the steps of Utah Capitol to demand the legal right to plural marriage Black high school basketball players are harassed by 60 students dressed up for ‘Hick Night’ chanting ‘Build that wall’ and ‘Get them out of here!’ during game ‘He’s gone.

Kate Middleton freediver yoga Gili Islands New Zealand

‘I love all my moms’: Hundreds of polygamists and their families led by the ‘Sister Wives’ descend on the steps of Utah Capitol to demand the legal right to plural marriage Black high school basketball players are harassed by 60 students dressed up for ‘Hick Night’ chanting ‘Build that wall’ and ‘Get them out of here!’ during game ‘He’s gone.

Trumpa s Florida estate stirs protests, spurs ethics debate

He has described the sprawling Mar-a-Lago property as the Winter White House and has spent two weekends there this month. But it’s also become a magnet for anti-Trump protesters and the subject of an ethics debate over his invitation to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to join him this weekend – with Trump pledging to pay for the accommodations.

Trump attacks on judiciary raise safety concerns for judges

This March 12, 2013 file still image taken from United States Courts shows Judge James Robart listening to a case at Seattle Courthouse in Seattle. Online abuse of Robart, who temporarily derailed President Donald Trump’s travel ban, has raised safety concerns, according to experts who are worried that the president’s attacks on the judiciary could make judges a more inviting target.

CCW Weekend: How To Search For A Self Defense Lawyer

If you’re going to have a gun in the home, or carry in a gun holster for defense of yourself, then you had better be prepared for what happens AFTER the shot. Some people have fantasies in their head about how they shall nobly shooteth the bad man, be feted by the press, get a garland of roses, a victory parade and many other accolades.

Trump cites voter fraud in NH without providing evidence

President Donald Trump has revived groundless claims of voter fraud, arguing in a lunch meeting with senators that he and former Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte would have won in New Hampshire if not for voters bused in from out of state. A GOP official with knowledge of Thursday’s lunch conversation described the president’s comments.

Saturday Morning News & Notes

Happy weekend, y’all. -This was a busy week in politics with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejecting the presidents appeal to re-instate the temporary ban from 7 nations who cannot properly vet their own people.

Little Caesars founder dies at 87

He launched a worldwide restaurant empire who’s “pizza, pizza” catchphrase became ubiquitous. Mike Ilitch, Little Caesars founder and owner of the Detroit Tigers and the Detroit Red Wings, died Friday at a hospital in the Motor City.