Recent Publication from Provides Projected Updates to Online Payment Methods in Europe

‘Europe Online Payment Methods: Full Year 2016,’ a new report from, a secondary market research firm from Hamburg, Germany, includes important information regarding European online and mobile payments. According to this report, debit and credit cards as well as PayPal are the most utilized online payment methods in Europe, but differences in preferences of shoppers in various countries persist.

Recent Publication from Provides Projected Updates to Online Payment Methods in Europe

‘Europe Online Payment Methods: Full Year 2016,’ a new report from, a secondary market research firm from Hamburg, Germany, includes important information regarding European online and mobile payments. According to this report, debit and credit cards as well as PayPal are the most utilized online payment methods in Europe, but differences in preferences of shoppers in various countries persist.

‘Black Passports’: Leak exposes spies’ secret how-to guide

WikiLeaks has released over 8,000 CIA documents that expose the intelligence agency of developing new technology to hack and extract information from your tech devices. TRAVEL secrets of undercover CIA hackers have been uncovered in the latest WikiLeaks data dump including claims the US Consulate in Frankfurt is a covert base for hackers.