Hillary Clinton ‘could barely climb the podium steps,’ donor said Dem senator worried: DC Leaks

Emails from the hacking group DC Leaks are likely to further fuel speculation into Hillary Clinton's health due to claims attributed to Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. A March 14, 2015, conversation between former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Democrat donor Jeffrey Leeds shows the two discussing Mrs. Clinton's appearance and overall health.

Senator insulted after Dem accuses GOP of being bought off by oil firms

A Republican senator called accusations that the GOP is owned by the fossil fuel industry "insulting" after a Democratic senator said the party has become the political wing of oil companies. In a hearing Thursday of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on the impact of the Supreme Court's stay of President Obama's Clean Power Plan, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., used his five minutes of allotted time to read quotes from former Sen. John Chafee, R-R.I., from a hearing in 1986.

If Captain Cook’s ship is found in Newport Harbor, whose is it?

To continue reading up to 10 premium articles, you must register , or sign up and take advantage of this exclusive offer: PROVIDENCE, R.I. - If the ship legendary explorer Capt. James Cook used to sail around the world is found at the bottom of Newport Harbor, Rhode Island will own it outright because of a legal maneuver it took nearly two decades ago based on an obscure, centuries-old maritime practice.