- Alamogordo Daily News [Alamogordo]
- The Albuquerque Tribune [Albuquerque]
- Albuquerque Journal [Albuquerque]
- Carlsbad Current-Argus [Carlsbad]
- Clovis News Journal [Clovis]
- Daily Lobo [Albuquerque]
- The Daily Times [Farmington]
- Deming Headlight [Deming]
- El Defensor Chieftain [Socorro]
- Gallup Independent [Gallup]
- The Herald [Truth or Consequences]
- Hobbs News-Sun [Hobbs]
- Las Cruces Sun-News [Las Cruces]
- Los Alamos Monitor [Los Alamos]
- Lovington Daily Leader [Lovington]
- Mountain Monthly [Cloudcroft]
- News-Bulletin [Belen]
- New Mexico Business Journal [Albuquerque]
- The New Mexico Jewish Link [Albuquerque]
- The Observer [Rio Rancho]
- Portales News-Tribune [Portales]
- Roswell Daily Record [Roswell]
- Ruidoso News [Ruidoso]
- Sangre de Christo Chronicle [Angle Fire]
- The Santa Fe New Mexican [Santa Fe]
- Santa Fe Times [Santa Fe]
- Sierra County Sentinel [Sierra County]
- Silver City Daily Press & Independent [Silver City]
- Taos News [Taos]
- Timberon Mountaineer [Timberon]
- Weekly Alibi [Albuquerque]