- Addison County Independent [Middlebury]
- Barton Chronicle [Barton]
- Bennington Banner [Bennington]
- Brattleboro Reformer [Brattleboro]
- The Burlington Free Press [Burlington]
- Business People Vermont [Williston]
- The Caledonian-Record [Saint Johnsbury]
- Deerfield Valley News [West Dover]
- Harbor Watch [Burlington]
- The Independent [Lyndonville]
- Journal Opinion [Bradford]
- The Mountain Times [Killington]
- News & Citizen [Morrisville]
- Rutland Herald [Rutland]
- Saint Albans Messenger [Saint Albans]
- Stowe Reporter [Stowe]
- The Times Argus [Barre]
- Valley News [White River Junction]
- The Valley Reporter [Waitsfield]
- Vermont Life [Montpelier]
- Vermont Sports [Waterbury]
- The World [Barre]