First Joe Donnelly wanted a Kavanaugh FBI investigation. Then he needed a new excuse to vote ‘Nay’

Case in point: Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind. Donnelly is running in deep-red Indiana meaning that Donnelly needs to inspire the nascent liberal electorate while placating his opponent's conservative base.

Trump’s Mockery Of Christine Blasey Ford Draws GOP Concern

Welcome to another round of Capitol Hill lawmakers responding to President Donald Trump 's sexist remarks, this time after he mocked Christine Blasey Ford , who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were teenagers. "It made me feel sort of sick," Sen. Angus King told CNN Wednesday morning , hours after Trump ridiculed Ford's accusation at a campaign rally amid laughter and shouts of "lock her up."

Thomas: Delay, Deceive And Destroy

If the FBI finds nothing to support Christine Blasey Ford's testimony that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a high school party, will it be enough for Democrats to vote to confirm him? Republicans say the investigation is limited to her charge and that of a third accuser, Julie Swetnick, whose allegations, detailed in a sworn affidavit, claim she was the victim of gang rape. How many more will come forward? These are delay tactics to get through the November election.

FBI Kavanaugh report: GOP says no misconduct shown; Dems say FBI’s hands tied

A high-stakes partisan row quickly broke out Thursday over a confidential FBI report about allegations that Brett Kavanaugh sexually abused women three decades ago, with Republicans claiming investigators found "no hint of misconduct" and Democrats accusing the White House of slapping crippling constraints on the probe. The battling commenced as the conservative jurist's prospects for winning Senate confirmation to the Supreme Court remained at the mercy of five undeclared senators, with an initial, critical vote looming Friday.

Accuser’s lawyer questions depth of FBI probe of Kavanaugh allegations

An attorney for a woman who alleges Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a party in the 1980s says he's concerned the FBI "is not conducting - or not being permitted to conduct - a serious investigation." Deborah Ramirez's lawyer, John Clune, says he provided the FBI with the names and contact numbers of 20 additional witnesses who may be able to corroborate her account after she was interviewed Sunday.

Trump Says Lying To Congress Not Acceptable Amid Brett Kavanaugh Investigation

President Donald Trump on Tuesday afternoon suggested it would "not be acceptable" if his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh were found to have lied to Congress. "I don't think you should lie to Congress and there have been a lot of people over the last year that have lied to Congress," Trump told reporters gathered on the White House lawn.

McConnell: Dems are aiming ‘mud and muck’ at Kavanaugh

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused Democrats on Tuesday of opening "the flood gates of mud and muck" against Brett Kavanaugh as Republicans sought to portray efforts to derail the Supreme Court nominee over accusations of sexual assault in the 1980s as "the politics of personal destruction." The Kentucky Republican's combative remarks about Democrats came as President Donald Trump and lawmakers await the FBI's reopened background check on the accusations against the 53-year-old jurist.

Alicia Keys, Michael Stipe and other celebs will protest Kavanaugh outside the Supreme Court

Alicia Keys performs a tribute to inductee Tupac Shakur at the 2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony at the Barclays Center on Friday, April 7, 2017, in New York. Alicia Keys performs a tribute to inductee Tupac Shakur at the 2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony at the Barclays Center on Friday, April 7, 2017, in New York.

Washington holds its breath as the FBI investigates Kavanaugh

In a week that began mired in uncertainty -- for President Donald Trump, for  Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh , for congressional Republicans, for the FBI -- the GOP still had the stolid steadiness of Mitch McConnell to lean on. "The time for endless delay and obstruction has come to a close," the Senate majority leader said Monday afternoon.

Democrats question Kavanaugh’s credibility and temperament

Democrats are raising new questions about the truthfulness of US supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's sworn testimony to the US senate. The move marks a shift in tactics against US president Donald Trump's choice for the highest court in America as all sides await the results of the FBI's background investigation into sexual misconduct allegations.

Flake, in New England visit, vows to vote ‘no’ if Supreme Court nominee lied

Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., speaks during an appearance at the Forbes 30 Under 30 Summit, Monday, Oct. 1, 2018, in Boston. MANCHESTER, N.H. - The Republican senator who suddenly sits at the center of the explosive Supreme Court debate promised Monday to oppose President Donald Trump's nominee should an ongoing federal investigation determine he lied under oath.

Here Are the 5 Senators Who Will Decide Kavanaugh’s Fate

As Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh's dramatic confirmation process lurches forward, all eyes are on five moderate, and as yet undecided, senators who will either send him to the nation's highest court or deal a stunning defeat to President Trump and the Republican Party by derailing his nomination. Their calculations were upended weeks ago when Christine Blasey Ford came forward to accuse Judge Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a party in high school, which he has unequivocally denied.

John Micek: Kavanaugh not on trial; interviewing to work for us

Time and again last week, as the excruciating drama surrounding the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh unfolded before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the phrase "due process" was batted around so much, and with such abandon, that it was in danger of looking like the remnants of pinata after a Beltway prep school's Cinco de Mayo bash. Yes, Kavanaugh deserved to have his say after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford levied an accusation of sexual assault at a high school drinking party in suburban Washington D.C. more than three decades ago.

Jeff Flake calls for ending ‘destructive partisan tribalism’ in New Hampshire

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake traveled to the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire on Monday to call for a new kind of politics that rejects the "destructive partisan tribalism" that has infected Washington and prevented elected leaders from tackling the nation's biggest problems. The visit came several days after Mr. Flake played a central role in the kerfuffle over Brett M. Kavanaugh 's nomination to the Supreme Court, making him a target of criticism from activists on the right and the left.