Venezuela: Guaidó calls on supporters to intensify ‘peaceful rebellion’ against Maduro

Tens of thousands of protesters hit the streets again on Wednesday and clashed with security forces after fruitless bid to oust Maduro

Clashes have broken out between protesters and Venezuelan security forces as tens of thousands of protesters returned to the streets one day after a dramatic but so far fruitless bid to force Nicolás Maduro from power by triggering a massive military rebellion.

Juan Guaidó, the young opposition leader who led that attempted mutiny on Tuesday morning, told demonstrators in the capital, Caracas, they needed to intensify their “peaceful rebellion” against Maduro.

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Guaidó’s uprising seems to have flatlined. What’s next for Venezuela?

Nicolás Maduro retains power and support from country’s military top brass but the opposition challenge is not dead

When Venezuela’s Juan Guaidó appeared outside one of the most important military installations in Caracas on Tuesday flanked by defecting soldiers toting assault rifles, many supporters hoped the game was finally up for Nicolás Maduro and his embattled regime.

“The time is now,” Guaidó announced in his dramatic pre-dawn declaration, calling on Venezuela’s armed forces to turn on their Chavista commander-in-chief.

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Venezuela: Maduro and Guaidó both claim upper hand after day of violence – video

The Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, and the opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, have both taken to the airwaves to claim the advantage after a day of violence and political turmoil. Portraying the events of Tuesday as a US-backed military coup, Maduro insisted his opponent had already been defeated, while Guaidó called for Venezuelans to take to the streets again

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Venezuela crisis: Maduro claims victory over ‘deranged’ coup attempt

President blames Trump imperialists and ‘coup-mongering far right’ for plot put down by military

Nicolás Maduro claimed his troops have thwarted a botched attempt to topple him masterminded by Venezuela’s “coup-mongering far right” and Donald Trump’s deranged imperialist “gang”.

In an hour-long address to the nation on Tuesday night – his first since the pre-dawn uprising began – Maduro accused opposition leader Juan Guaidó and his political mentor Leopoldo López of seeking to spark an armed confrontation that might be used as a pretext for a foreign military intervention.

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As it happened – Venezuela crisis: Maduro claims coup has been ‘defeated’

In first appearance since rebellion lead by Juan Guaidó, president calls for applause for ‘obedient’ armed forces. Follow updates

I am wrapping up this blog shortly.

Tom Phillips has filed a new story on the latest goings-on which he leads with Maduro’s claim that a coup attempt by Juan Guaidó has been defeated. You can read that here:

Related: Venezuela crisis: Maduro claims victory over 'deranged' US-backed coup attempt

Away from the immediate politics, it’s worth looking at what is happening with the price of oil – Venezuela’s main export and in many ways the source of much of the trouble engulfing the country.

Crude prices dipped in early trade in Asia on Wednesday thanks to a report showing that US inventories were higher than exppected. Spot Brent crude futures, the international benchmark, were at $71.65 per barrel at 01.43 GMT, down 41c, or 0.6%, from their last close.

Related: $100 a barrel? Will Iran sanctions and Venezuela crisis bring oil price spike?

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Venezuela: a day of chaos and violence after Juan Guaidó calls for military uprising – video report

Venezuela’s political crisis lurched into a potentially historic and violent new phase on Tuesday as an attempted military uprising erupted at the heart of its capital, Caracas, and the opposition leader Juan Guaidó urged supporters to take to the streets to force his rival Nicolás Maduro from power.

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Former bus driver Nicolás Maduro clings to wheel in Venezuela

Lack of charisma and luck have hurt the ‘fumbling showman’ who succeeded Hugo Chávez

Nicolás Maduro has ruled Venezuela without two of the greatest assets possessed by his mentor and predecessor, Hugo Chávez. He has not been lucky. And he has no charisma.

Chávez enjoyed an oil bounty and sublime political talents that secured his power at home and reputation abroad.

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National Guard armoured vehicle drives into protesters in Venezuela – video

Hundreds of demonstrators in Caracas have confronted military vehicles on a road outside La Carlota airbase. One of the vehicles fired a water cannon at protesters crowded around it. At one point, the vehicle accelerated over a median barrier and appeared to hit demonstrators

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Unrest in Caracas – in pictures

The Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó took to the streets with activist Leopoldo López and a small contingent of heavily armed soldiers early on Tuesday in a call for the military to rise up and oust the socialist leader, Nicolás Maduro. Events started when Guaidó appeared in an early morning video surrounded by heavily armed soldiers backed by armoured vehicles. Guaidó said soldiers who had taken to the streets were protecting Venezuela’s constitution. Information minister Jorge Rodríguez said on Twitter that Maduro’s government was confronting a small ‘coup attempt’ led by military ‘traitors’ backed by rightwing opponents

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Venezuela: Juan Guaidó stripped of parliamentary immunity

Nicolás Maduro’s constituent assembly removes protection, opening the door for arrest of man backed by dozens of countries as interim leader

Venezuela’s opposition figurehead, Juan Guaidó, has vowed to continue fighting Nicolás Maduro’s “cowardly, miserable and murderous” regime after he was stripped of his parliamentary immunity – a move that potentially opens the door to Guaidó’s arrest.

More than 50 countries have recognized Guaidó as Venezuela’s legitimate leader since he launched his campaign to force Maduro from office in late January, including the United States, Britain and most Latin American governments.

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Venezuela: Maduro calls on armed groups to keep order amid electricity rationing

President announces 30-day rationing plan and says pro-government colectivos must ‘defend the peace of every block’

Venezuela’s authoritarian leader Nicolás Maduro has called on armed pro-government groups to help subdue unrest as he announced a 30-day electricity rationing plan set to inflict further pain on the population.

In a televised address, Maduro said he had no choice but to take drastic measures while his government rebuilt key sections of Venezuela’s national grid following a succession of crippling power failures since 7 March.

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Venezuela: opposition leader promises final push against Maduro amid new blackout

Announcement comes as Juan Guaidó’s wife met with Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence in Washington

The opposition figurehead battling to topple Nicolás Maduro has told supporters to prepare for a final nationwide push against Venezuela’s authoritarian leader after the country suffered its fourth massive blackout in less than three weeks.

Addressing a rally in Caracas, Juan Guaidó said it was time for Venezuelans of all social classes to increase pressure through what he called Operación Libertad (Operation Freedom) – a mobilization across the country that would culminate in a massive march through the capital.

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Venezuela: call for calm amid blackouts and anti-Maduro protests

Vice-president blames ‘fascist right’ and its ‘imperial masters’ in Washington for power cuts

Nicolás Maduro’s embattled administration has called for calm after millions of Venezuelans were again plunged into darkness by a nationwide blackout reportedly affecting 21 of its 23 states and the capital, Caracas.

In a late-night television broadcast – which most people were unable to watch because of the outage – the communications minister, Jorge Rodríguez, claimed it was the result of a “brutal” attack on a hydroelectric plant on Monday night.

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Venezuela opposition fears crackdown after Maduro threatens arrests

Embattled president hints that Juan Guaidó and allies are in his sights

Venezuela’s opposition is bracing for a severe political crackdown after Nicolás Maduro lashed out at the “diabolical pro-imperialist puppets” he claimed were trying to remove him from the presidency and vowed to imprison them all.

The struggle between Maduro and his challenger, Juan Guaidó, escalated dramatically last week with the detention of Guaidó’s right-hand man, Roberto Marrero.

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Venezuelan minister accuses Guadió chief of staff of leading ‘terrorist cell’

Maduro’s interior minister alleged a cache of ‘weapons of war’ had been apprehended with Roberto Marrero as face-off escalates

The face-off between Nicolás Maduro and his US-backed challenger Juan Guaidó has escalated dramatically after Venezuelan intelligence agents seized Guaidó’s chief of staff and accused him of leading a “terrorist cell” plotting a wave of political assassinations.

Related: Juan Guaidó's chief of staff arrested by Venezuelan agents

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‘A city of shadows’: fear as Venezuela’s crippling blackout enters day four

Power outage – that Maduro blames on foreign saboteurs – could have dramatic implications for country’s political future

When night falls on Venezuela’s ghostly capital, an unnerving hush grips the streets of this once-bustling South American metropolis.

“You feel a profound silence all around you,” said Alejandro Guzmán, a 26-year-old lawyer and one of millions of Venezuelans left in the dark after their country was hit by an unprecedented blackout some believe could have dramatic implications for its political future. “It’s like a city of shadows.”

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Venezuela: Maduro and Guaidó’s supporters return to the streets

Demonstrations spark fears country’s political crisis could deep following huge blackout

Supporters of Venezuela’s leader, Nicolás Maduro, and his US-backed challenger, Juan Guaidó, returned to the streets again on Saturday amid rising fears the political crisis could be entering a turbulent new phase.

After a strained 48 hours for Venezuela in which almost the entire country was affected by a blackout thousands of demonstrators turned out to champion their respective leaders, both of whom claim the presidency.

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Venezuela: ‘country has stopped’ as blackout drags into second day

Delcy Rodríguez said schools were closed and workers should stay home after ‘technological attack’ on Guri hydroelectric plant

Venezuela’s embattled president, Nicolás Maduro, has been forced to close schools and give workers the day off after a severe and potentially destabilizing blackout dragged into a second day.

On Friday morning, more than 19 hours after power failed across most of the country, Venezuela’s vice-president, Delcy Rodríguez, announced that schools would not open and private- and public-sector workers should stay at home.

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Guaidó returns to Venezuela with new hope to unseat Maduro

Washington warned on eve of arrival Maduro faces ‘strong and significant response’ if Guaidó is detained or threatened

The opposition figurehead battling to dislodge Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro has made an audacious and dramatic homecoming, flying into the country’s main airport as he sought to re-energize his campaign for political change.

Juan Guaidó – who secretly left Venezuela last month to conduct a support-seeking tour of South America – landed at the Simón Bolívar international airport on Monday on a commercial flight from Panama.

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Venezuela blocks off second bridge to Colombia as Guaidó flies to Brazil

  • Shipping containers positioned across Simón Bolívar bridge
  • Guaidó travels to Brazil to try to ramp up pressure on Maduro

Venezuelan authorities have blockaded a second bridge to Colombia amid fresh skirmishes between protesters and security forces loyal to embattled leader Nicolás Maduro.

Related: Venezuela: US increasingly isolated as allies warn against use of military force

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