Mueller seeking to question ‘Manhattan madam,’ a friend of…

The NRA Is Awfully Quiet About Maria Butina - Why won't the NRA comment on the arrest of the gun rights activist and accused Russian agent? - It typically takes a mass shooting to keep the National Rifle Association this quiet. - As of this writing, the NRA has issued no public comment How to Handle the Outrage Mob - Bethany Mandel - Yesterday actor Mark Duplass tweeted a nice across the aisle ovature to the Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro: - He was, as the kids say, ratioed.

In reversal, Pentagon now says it backs GOP measure on birds

In an abrupt reversal, the Pentagon said Thursday it supports a Republican proposal in a defense policy bill that would bar the Fish and Wildlife Service from using the Endangered Species Act to protect two chicken-like birds in the western half of the U.S. In an email to Congress, a top Pentagon official said the proposal could help avoid any "negative readiness impacts on military facilities" that might result from listing the sage grouse and lesser-prairie chicken as endangered. The statement by Pete Giambastiani, a legislative affairs aide, directly repudiates comments Wednesday by Pentagon officials calling the GOP proposal unnecessary.

Wisconsin governor downplays interaction with Russian

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker downplayed his interaction with a woman accused of being a Russian operative who used sex and deception to forge connections, saying Wednesday that they only met one time in 2015 when she showed up at a National Rifle Association convention and had her picture taken with him. Maria Butina was charged Monday with being a covert Russian agent who gathered intelligence on American officials and political organizations and worked to establish back-channel lines of communications for the Kremlin.

USDA reopens CRP signups

As part of a 33-year effort to protect sensitive lands and improve water quality and wildlife habitat on private lands, the U.S. Department of Agriculture will resume accepting applications for the voluntary Conservation Reserve Program. Eligible farmers, ranchers, and private landowners can sign up at their local Farm Service Agency office until Aug. 17, 2018.

Attorney For Russian National Arrested by Feds Releases Statement…

On Monday, the DOJ announced the arrest of Russian National Mariia Butina , age 29, for "infiltrating organizations having influence in American politics, for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Russian Federation." Mariia Butina was arrested on Sunday; she is being labeled as the central figure in the NRA-Trump-Russia scandal by the fake news media.