Trump chides media for being a rudea after Conway interviews

President Donald Trump tweeted a critique of the media for being "rude to my very hard-working representatives" on Monday, only minutes after counselor Kellyanne Conway completed a series of interviews on television morning shows. Conway's interviews, including one that appeared to signal a thaw in the administration's relationship with CNN, were at times combative, exasperating and fascinating - an illustration of how the administration and reporters are often talking past each other and how she's become something of a cult figure.

Trump’s team and Trump don’t mesh on expanding the U.S. nuclear arsenal

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.But according... Senate Republicans refused to give President Obama's pick to replace Supreme Court Justice Scalia even the courtesy of a... Both Philip Bump at The Washington Post and Sam Stein at The Huffington Post have taken note of the apparent conflict between Donald Trump and his staff over the meaning of his tweet Thursday morning about expanding America's nuclear arsenal: The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes "strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces, especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defense systems."

NBC looks to Lester Holt for debate win after 2016 mishaps

There is a great deal at stake at the first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. One of those things - not nearly so significant as who will be the most powerful person in the world, certainly, but unquestionably there - is the reputation of a news network.

Trudy Rubin: Trump’s praise for Putin shows just how dangerous he would be as president

A vacation on Ireland's west coast should have provided relief from the depressing realities of the U.S. election season. But it's hard to escape when every Irishman or woman you meet asks the same question, differing only in the choice of adjective: My reply: "I still believe most Americans have the common sense to grasp that Trump presents the greatest threat to U.S. security and democracy since the end of the Cold War."

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Embracing Putin might just be a bridge too far

Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, which is frightening.We must make sure his hateful rhetoric does not even come close... Donald Trump has gone too far with his attacks on Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son Army Capt. Humayun Khan... A Donald Trump White House would be a disaster, and this goes way beyond any ideological difference.

Matt Lauer’s rough night increases pressure on debate moderators

Traffic cop or truth detector? The rough reception given Matt Lauer for his back-to-back interviews with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump laid bare a disagreement over whether journalists who moderate presidential debates should call candidates out for telling lies. Online critics hit Lauer for spending too much time on Clinton's email server and trying to cut her answers short during Wednesday's NBC forum on national security issues.

The Latest: Libertarian VP candidate defends Johnson

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks with 'Today' show co-anchor Matt Lauer at the NBC Commander-In-Chief Forum held at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space museum aboard the decommissioned aircraft carrier Intrepid, ... Authorities say "items of interest" have been found by authorities digging for the remains of a California college student who vanished in 1996. Authorities say "items of interest" have been found by authorities digging for the remains of a California college student who vanished in 1996.

The Latest: Ryan doesn’t share Trump’s view of Putin

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks with 'Today' show co-anchor Matt Lauer at the NBC Commander-In-Chief Forum held at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space museum aboard the decommissioned aircraft carrier Intrepid, ... A New York woman has been charged with killing a 92-year-old World War I veteran during a break-in at his Buffalo home more than three decades ago. Newly tested DNA evidence from the home of a 92-year-old World War I veteran strangled in 1983 has led to murder charges against a woman who was a teenager when the crime was committed, prosecutors said.

Critics blast Lauer’s ‘Commander-in-Chief Forum’ performance

Lauer's handling of the NBC News "Commander-In-Chief Forum" with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Wednesday night was widely panned by journalists and pundits. The "Today" show co-host was criticized for spending too much time on Clinton's emails, lobbing softball questions to Trump, and neglecting to fact-check the Republican nominee when he falsely claimed to have opposed the Iraq War in 2002.

Hillary Clinton Plays Defense, Donald Trump Dodges at Commander-in-Chief Forum

Hillary Clinton was forced to defend her dubious handling of classified information on her private email server, her ill-fated vote authorizing the war in Iraq and her hawkish instinct to support intervention in Libya. Donald Trump dodged specifics on how he'd destroy the Islamic State group, delivered conflicting answers on how to improve veterans' health care and obscured his past support for the deployment of troops abroad.

Communist Party USA Endorses Hillary; Media Yawns

The former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan told his bigoted followers that not voting for Trump would be "treason to your heritage" and implored them to volunteer for the billionaire candidate because they would find like-minded haters in the campaign." Even so, multiple white nationalists have found appeal in Trump's message and have aligned their support with the presidential candidate.

Media coverage highlights of GOP’s first night

It's a far different experience watching an hour of coverage on the ABC, CBS or NBC broadcast networks or the almost unlimited amount of time on the cable networks or PBS. Melania Trump's speech about her husband was the centerpiece of the 10 p.m. hour when the broadcasters were on the air, and it consumed much of their attention.