As Venezuela collapses, its puppet dictator sends money to Haiti and Ecuador

As one would expect, Cuba's puppet dictator in Caracas, Nicolas Maduro, follows the Castro playbook to the letter. The Cuban people have watched the Castro regime sell or give away their country's resources abroad for decades as they continue to live in squalor and misery.

Obama urged to revoke executive order against Venezuela

Caracas, Nov 14 - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has urged his US counterpart Barack Obama to revoke an executive order that labelled his country a security threat. It is an atrocity that I hope Obama corrects before he leaves office, Maduro said on Sunday, reiterating his government's willingness to improve diplomatic ties with the US.

Maduro’s opponents fan flames of Venezuela birther debate

A birther debate is heating up in Venezuela as President Nicolas Maduro's opponents seek to push the embattled socialist leader from office at any cost. On Tuesday, the opposition-controlled congress began debating Maduro's "constitutional situation" in which lawmakers vow to present evidence that he's a dual Colombian citizen and therefore constitutionally ineligible to hold Venezuela's highest office.

Ex-Guantanamo prisoner goes on hunger strike in Venezuela: Lawyer

A former Guantanamo prisoner now held by Venezuela's intelligence agency has gone on hunger strike, his lawyer said Saturday. Held in Guantanamo for 12 years without charge, Jihad Diyab, pictured on Sep 8, 2015, was released from the US military prison in southern Cuba to Uruguay in 2014 along with five fellow former detainees.