Saudis & Allies Renew Bombing of Yemen Port City, Sparking Famine Fears

The Saudi-led coalition launched heavy air strikes on Yemen's main port city of Hodeidah on Friday, in an apparent resumption of military operations on the city after the Iranian-aligned Houthi movement attacked two Saudi oil tankers, residents said. The coalition on July 1 halted an attack on the Houthi-held city to aid UN efforts at a political solution that would avert an all-out assault on the Red Sea port, which the United Nations fears could trigger a famine throughout the country.

Don Jr’s Girlfriend Fired By Fox News For Showing Nude Male Pics At Work

A blistering report in Huffington Post is all but incontrovertible proof that even if former host and current Donald Trump Jr. girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle's departure from Fox News was voluntary, the network couldn't be happier to see her gone. Last week , I wrote that while Guilfoyle ostensibly left Fox News to spend more time with her boyfriend, credible reports claimed that she had been pushed out.

The Authoritarian Personality

There is an almost gravitational pull toward putting out of mind unpleasant facts and sinking into oblivion"and that our collective ability to face threatening facts is no greater than our personal one: " To avoid anxiety, we close off crucial portions of awareness, creating blind spots. [This] diagnosis applies both to self-deception and shared illusions"The cure"is "insight - seeing things just as they are."

BBC Host Eviscerates Sean Spicer Over Role In Helping To ‘Corrupt Discourse For The Entire World’

While promoting his new book " The Briefing " on the BBC, Sean Spicer quickly learned he wasn't on Fox News after Emily Maitlis called him out for being an agent of chaos that helped perpetrate Trump's lies right from the beginning of his tenure at the White House. "But it wasn't a joke, it was the start of the most corrosive culture.

Freedom Caucus Extremists Try To Impeach… Rod Rosenstein?

Morning Joe took a look this morning at the articles of impeachment introduced against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein by members of the House Freedom caucus . "They claim the deputy AG has withheld documents from and the spokesman for Meadows tells NBC News the resolution is not considered a privileged motion," Willie Geist said.

Georgia Dems nominate Lucy McBath, gun control activist spurred to…

Lucia "Lucy" McBath was a longtime flight attendant who became a powerful spokesperson for actions to stop gun violence after her 17-year-old son was murdered. Tuesday night, she won the Democratic nomination for Georgia's 6th Congressional District in a run-off.


If you think the Trump White House is shameless, you haven't sniffed around the North Carolina state legislature lately. If there's an election-rigging scheme state Republicans haven't tried, they haven't thought of it yet.

Purges: A Growing Threat to the Right to Vote

"On April 19, 2016, thousands of eligible Brooklyn voters dutifully showed up to cast their ballots in the presidential primary, only to find their names missing from the voter lists. An investigation by the New York state attorney general found that New York City's Board of Elections had improperly deleted more than 200,000 names from the voter rolls.

New study shines light on the racial ‘anger bias’ of educators

We're starting to learn more about why black students have long been disciplined more harshly than their similarly-behaving white counterparts. Prospective teachers are more likely to perceive the faces of black adults as being angry compared to the faces of white adults, a new study finds.