Journalists Remain Incapable of Dealing with Trump

Greg Sargent has been on a tear for the past forty-eight hours as he discusses the non-partisan media's inability to handle Trump. Yesterday, he wrote that: the Justice Department's inspector general is expected to release a report scrutinizing the FBI's handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email arrangement.

TV We Didn’t Know We Needed

Werner Herzog is coming to television as the director and executive producer of "Fordlandia," a new series set in the 1920s and based on Henry Ford's attempt to built a Utopian society in the heart of the Amazon. The series is being developed by Ashok Amritraj's Hyde Park Entertainment Group, which acquired the rights to Greg Grandin's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name.

“She Can Take It”

Seriously, that's it. I've said this before, but leaving aside malicious interference on his behalf , Trump's election comes down to an unconscionable number of men in positions of power abdicating their responsibilities in the belief that it doesn't matter how badly they shit on a woman, she'll always be there to clean up the mess.

All Present and Accounted For

Finished watching tv downstairs, grabbed my phone, and took pictures of the sights on the way upstairs. Lily on her bed right next to my chair downstairs: After I am done messing around here for a little bit, I will brush my fangs, wash my face, and the nightly ritual begins.

Ultimate Mopar swap: Installing a 700hp Hellcat engine in a 2017 Ram Rebel

Ever since Mopar released its Hellcat V-8 as a crate engine last year, Ram enthusiasts have considered the possibility of another supertruck that could revive the performance passions the iconic SRT-10 models produced from 2004 to 2006. If you remember, those regular-cab models came with a 500hp, 8.3L, all-aluminum Viper V-10 engine and six-speed manual transmission.

Seth Meyers Amazed Kim Jong-un Brought Own Toilet To Summit

Really if you want to watch the nightly news one of the best outlets is Seth Meyers' late night show. Last night he marveled at the fact that Kim Jong-un brought his own portable toilet to the summit so that Western spies won't use the sewer system to check on his health.

Hey MAGA: Trump Gave Everything To A Forced Abortionist Who Hates Christianity

The New York Times reminds us today that Kim John-un is a ruthless dictator who commits crimes against humanity. In North Korea, these crimes "entail extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence, persecution on political, religious, racial and gender grounds, the forcible transfer of populations, the enforced disappearance of persons and the inhumane act of knowingly causing prolonged starvation," concluded a 2014 United Nations report that examined North Korea.

Trump takes aim at China’s tech sector. That could hurt U.S. innovation.

Visitors to the 21st China Beijing International High-tech Expo look at robots and a helicopter drone on display on May 17. The U.S.-China tech rivalry looks likely to intensify, despite ongoing efforts to avoid a tariff war . Among other targets, the Trump administration has taken aim at two aspects of China's presence in the United States: high-tech investment and students.

Tony Tony

I like live theater and see a lot of it though because I do not live in NYC and do not have infinite money and time I do not usually see the productions that Mr. Tony sees. But I have actually seen many of these this year! Farinelli and the King.

Interview with Ehud Barak (former Prime Minister of Israel) and Steve Zunes’ response

Editor's note: this interview took place before the killings of over 100 Palestinians and the wounding of several thousand at the fence separating Israel from Gaza in late April and May so this interview focused on the book by Ehud Barak which was about to be released in the US in May with its representative presentation of how many in the Labor Party in Israel continue to think. I did not press Barak on many points because I had been told by many who know how he operates that doing so would likely have ended the interview at that point and in any event would not have convinced him of the Tikkun perspective.

Mitch McConnell Whines That Democrats Are Obstructing Trump

The man who famously said that making President Obama a one-term president was their "single most important goal" and who spent eight years while Obama was in office obstructing absolutely everything, even if it was something Republicans used to be for, actually had the gall to complain about Democrats obstructing Trump at this year's "Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Washington D.C. MCCONNELL: Now look, the Democrats are not making any of this easy. They've decided it's more fun to be the resistance than to do their job and help us govern the country.