Kellyanne Conway Tries To Clean Up Mess Made By Trump And Giuliani Over Daniels’ Hush Money

Counselor to Trump, Kellyanne Conway made an appearance on this Sunday's State of the Union on CNN in an attempt to clean up the mess made by her boss and his new lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. Conway can try to spin this any way she wants, but it's not gong to make their ridiculous excuses for what happened any more plausible.

Giuliani Says He’s ‘Halfway’ Up To Speed On Facts In Bonkers Sunday Interview

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Sunday hinted that his client, President Donald Trump, may assert his Fifth Amendment privilege not to testify in the Russia investigation and admitted that former Trump attorney Michael Cohen may have made payments to multiple women who have claimed to have had affairs with President Donald Trump. In a rambling interview on ABC's This Week , Giuliani attempted to repair the damage he has done to Trump's legal defense over the past week.

This Is What You Do When You Don’t Have A Real Argument

Two of the key people in the Obama administration for the negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action , were investigated by an Israeli private intelligence agency trying to find dirt on them, The Guardian reported today. The agency talked to reporters in order to find whether Ben Rhodes and Colin Kahl, advisors to President Obama, had shared sensitive information.

Donald Trump’s Racism Has Material Consequences

By January 2020, the Trump administration will have turned 400,000 people who are currently in the US legally into unauthorized immigrants. The administration announced Friday that it is going to stop granting Temporary Protected Status - a protection given to people in the wake of humanitarian disasters in their home countries - to 57,000 Hondurans who've been living in the US for 20 years.

Reproductive Rights Groups Sue Administration Over Birth Control Access

Three reproductive rights groups are suing the Trump administration over changes to the federal Title X program -changes that restrict comprehensive health services for women. Two separate lawsuits were filed against the Department of Health and Human Services: one by the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association, and another by Planned Parenthood affiliate groups in Wisconsin, Ohio and Utah.

Why Can’t the World’s Best Military Win Its Wars?

So declared an Associated Press story reporting an upbeat assessment by this country's top military officer at the end of a five-day visit to Afghanistan earlier this spring. Marine General Joseph Dunford Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was heading home from the war zone, the AP reporter wrote, "with a palpable sense of optimism" about the U.S.-supported war against Taliban and Islamic State fighters there.

Leak shows Mueller would ask Trump about collusion

President Donald Trump is angrily protesting a leaked list of questions that the Justice Department's special counsel may want to ask him, while at the same time contending the list shows anew there was no crime or collusion with the Russians by his presidential campaign. But the questions suggest that investigators want to focus on collusion and obstruction of justice.

Illinois bill would reward schools for hiring social workers, not armed security officers

Friday that would create a grant program for schools that employ social workers or psychologists instead of armed security officers to keep students safe. The bill would establish the Safe Schools Healthy Learning Environment grant to "promote school safety and healthy learning environments by reducing the reliance on law enforcement to address school disciplinary matters and implementing alternative strategies that will better address the full range of students' intellectual, social, emotional, physical, psychological, and moral developmental needs."

As gas prices soar, Trump wants Americans to spend $100 billion more on driving

President Donald Trump and then-Deputy Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman speak in the Oval Office March 14, 2017. CREDIT: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images The price of crude oil has jumped to its highest level in more than three years.