There are 6 zones of the San Gabriel Basin Superfund site, but only this 1 is not being treated

Dan Colby, project resource manager for the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority, says on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 that the VOC treatment at the well site in La Puente, owned by San Gabriel Valley Water Company, will be shut down after a new comprehensive water treatment plant is built by Northrop Grumman on a former redevelopment site in Industry. Northrop Grumman is building a comprehensive water treatment plant at this former redevelopment site in Industry.

Yo-ho-ho and an autonomous boat: Smart watercraft could help the Navy fight pirates

We've all heard a lot about autonomous cars and there's been plenty written about drones taking to the air, but we've not seen so much discussion about boats, or autonomous watercraft. BAE Systems has been working on autonomous naval technologies, in a project that has sprung up surprisingly quickly.

HEICO Corporation: Undervalued No More, But Still Predictable

If you fly, regardless of what you fly, you've probably had indirect contact with the HEICO Corporation , even though you may never have heard the name. It's an aviation and aerospace technology company that makes replacement parts and provides a host of other services and products to flying machines.

UTC Aerospace Systems to showcase next-generation technology at Farnborough Air Show

Among the innovative products to be showcased is the company's next-generation Advanced Concept Ejection Seat 5, or ACES 5a , a product that helps save lives and prevents ejection-related injuries. Built on the outstanding record of performance and the life-saving legacy of ACES IIA , the ACES 5a ejection seat offers advanced safety features that not only allow the pilot to eject from the aircraft safely, but also reduce the risk of ejection-related injuries.

Judge: US to deliver release supplier papers before election

A federal judge on Wednesday ordered the State Department to speed up the release of documents related to a decision made under former Secretary Hillary Clinton to allow a foreign defense contractor that admitted criminal wrongdoing to continue doing business with the Pentagon. The Associated Press filed a Freedom of Information Act request in 2013 for emails and internal memos involving a U.S. subsidiary of the British aerospace giant BAE Systems.

Trump talks trade at shuttered NH factory

Republican Donald Trump talked trade at a shuttered New Hampshire factory on Thursday, putting a more personal spin on his vow to rip up the nation's trade deals and impose new tariffs in an effort to revive local manufacturing jobs. Speaking to a small, invitation-only crowd outside the closed Osram Sylvania plant, which used to manufacture lighting products, Trump again called for backing away from decades of U.S. policy that encouraged trade with other nations.

Rank-and-file Republican activists hear Trump rail against Clinton on trade

State Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Horn described the group of 150 Granite Staters who sweltered in a vacant, crumbling asphalt lot outside of a shuttered lightbulb factory to hear Donald Trump as "good, solid New Hampshire voters." Horn was the highest-ranking state GOP official to attend the event at the former Osram Sylvania facility, along with a few state representatives and a group of well-known veterans leaders.

McEachin and Wade win 4th District primaries, Forbes upset in 2nd district

State Senator Donald McEachin and Henrico Sheriff Mike Wade have emerged victorious Tuesday in the Democratic and Republican primaries for Virginia's 4th District Congressional seat. McEachin defeated Ella P. Ward, of Chesapeake to capture the Democratic nomination.

Policy Roundup

Even though foreign nationals without permanent U.S. residence status and foreign companies are prohibited from contributing to U.S. elections, U.S. subsidiaries of foreign companies are not. Those subsidiaries have spent almost $10 million, according to a DW analysis of data obtained by the Center for Responsive Politics.

Final testing for Lockheed Martin’s F-35 pushed back about six months to 2018

Crew members prepare a F-16 to escort an Air Force version of the F-35 for a test flight at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics in Fort Worth in August 2015. Final testing on Lockheed Martin's F-35 stealth fighter jet has slipped to 2018, about six months later than planned, as the company resolves long-running software problems, according to top program officials.