North Korea warns against US ‘hysteria’ as it marks founder’s birth

People pay their respects at the statues of North Korea founder Kim Il Sung and late leader Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang, North Korea. Pic: Reuters NORTH Korea warned the United States on Saturday to end its "military hysteria" or face retaliation as a US aircraft carrier group steamed towards the region and the reclusive state marked the "Day of the Sun", the 105th birth anniversary of its founding father.

Global tensions continue to climb over North Korea

China says tension over North Korea has to be stopped from reaching an "irreversible and unmanageable stage". Concern has grown since the US Navy fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airfield last week, in response to a deadly gas attack.

Listen: Bruce Klingner Analyzed The Looming Conflict With North Korea

Senior Research Fellow, Northeast Asia, Heritage Foundation, specializes in Korean and Japanese affairs - analyzed the situation with North Korea. Kim Jong-un unveils 770ft 'ultra-modern, prestige' skyscraper complex in the heart of Pyongyang as dictator orders removal of 600,000 'undesirables' from the city.

N. Korean official: Ready for war if Trump wants it

Han Song Ryol said the situation on the Korean Penin... . In this undated photo distributed on Friday, April 14, 2017, by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, center, watches a military drill at an undisclosed location.

North Korean official: Pyongyang ready for war if Trump wants it

President Donald Trump's tweets are adding fuel to a "vicious cycle" of tensions on the Korean Peninsula, North Korea's vice foreign minister told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview Friday. The official added that if the U.S. shows any sign of "reckless" military aggression, Pyongyang is ready to launch a pre-emptive strike of its own.

North Korea condemns US for bringing “huge” nuclear assets to region

Military officers applaud as they visit the birthplace of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung, a day before the 105th anniversary of his birth, in Mangyongdae, just outside Pyongyang, North Korea, on April 14, 2017. Source: Reuters/Damir Sagolj NORTH Korea denounced the United States on Friday for bringing "huge nuclear strategic assets" to the Korean peninsula as a US aircraft carrier group headed for the region amid concerns the North may conduct a sixth nuclear weapon test.

Trump has made US ‘more vicious’ and aggressive, North Korean official says

North Korea's vice foreign minister on Friday blamed President Donald Trump for escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula through his tweets and expansion of military exercises, saying the U.S. was becoming "more vicious and more aggressive" under his leadership than it had been under President Barack Obama. In an exclusive interview with The Associated Press in Pyongyang, Vice Minister Han Song Ryol also warned the U.S. against provoking North Korea militarily.

Trump, Xi converge on currency, Syria as US-China ties warm

The United States and China have struck what appears to be an unusual bargain as President Donald Trump says he won't label Beijing a currency manipulator and voices confidence Chinese President Xi Jinping will help him deal with North Korea's mounting threat. Another result of the diplomatic wrangling: a surprising Chinese abstention on a U.N. resolution condemning a Syrian chemical weapons attack.

Trump backs away from critical positions on China, NATO

The United States and China struck what was viewed as an unusual bargain Wednesday as President Donald Trump said he won't label China a currency manipulator and voiced confidence Chinese President Xi Jinping will help him deal with North Korea's mounting threat. Another result of the diplomatic wrangling: a surprising Chinese abstention on a U.N. resolution condemning a Syrian chemical weapons attack.

North Korea warns of nuclear strike if provoked; Trump ‘armada’ steams on

The USS Curtis Wilbur, a 8,950-ton Aegis destroyer of the U.S. Navy at a naval base in Busan, South Korea. Pic: AP NORTH Korean state media warned on Tuesday of a nuclear attack on the United States at any sign of American aggression, as a US Navy strike group steamed toward the western Pacific - a force US President Donald Trump described as an "armada."

North Korea issues warning as US strike group heads to Korean Peninsula

North Korea has issued a forceful response to the deployment of a US naval strike group to the region, saying it would counter "reckless acts of aggression" with "whatever methods the US wants to take." In a statement provided to CNN by officials in North Korea, Pyongyang said the "current grim situation" justified its "self-defensive and pre-emptive strike capabilities with the nuclear force at the core."

Tillerson says missile strikes carry a message for others

A row of F-18 fighter jets on the deck of the USS Carl Vinson was prepared for patrols as the U.S. Navy took Philippine journalists to the mammoth aircraft carrier on routine patrol in the waters off the disputed South China Sea. WASHINGTON>> Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the U.S. missile strikes against a Syrian air base in retaliation for a chemical weapon attack carries a message for any nation operating outside of international norms.

US diverts Navy strike force to Korean waters in response to rogue nation’s nuclear threat

The US Navy said Saturday it had sent a carrier-led strike group to the Korean peninsula in a show of force against North Korea's "reckless" nuclear weapons program. The move will raise tensions in the region and comes hard on the heels of a US missile strike on Syria that was widely interpreted as putting Pyongyang on warning over its refusal to abandon its nuclear ambitions.

Take that! Pyongyang lambastes Trump as too much like Obama

North Korea has a criticism of U.S. President Donald Trump he probably wasn't expecting: He's too much like Barack Obama. North Korea's state media, which regularly vilified Obama in the strongest terms, had been slow to do the same with the Trump administration, possibly so that officials in Pyongyang could figure out what direction Trump will likely take and what new policies he may pursue.

Sessions slams ‘unfair’ criticism of meetings with Russian Federation

He told the Senate Judiciary Committee that when he was a U.S. Attorney, he "personally" litigated four civil rights cases, which he listed as among his most significant cases. "When Senator Sessions testified under oath that 'I did not have communications with the Russians, ' his statement was demonstrably false, yet he let it stand for weeks", Cummings said .

BC-AP News Digest 7 am

President Donald Trump, facing a fresh wave of questions about his ties to Russia, is signaling to advisers and allies that he believes the time has passed to strike a grand bargain with Moscow on Syria, Ukraine and nuclear arms control. By White House Correspondent Julie Pace.

Death Of A North Korean Prince: What Do We Know?

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un's estranged half-brother was murdered at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia two weeks ago, and so far this case has taken more twists and turns than a mountain road. Pyongyang tops the suspect list, but it has yet to be definitively proven that North Korea was behind the attack.