Central Illinois Foodbank working to provide healthy food to low income individuals

"It's really hard especially this time of year because in the summer time things are in season, and they are cheaper but in the winter, it becomes harder to find those fresh options," says Elizabeth Shuff a dietitian with Crossing Healthcare. "We just wanted to provide a really easy free way to come get a bunch of produce that you can use for a couple weeks that's not going to go bad right away."

Area Hospitals suggesting visit guidelines for Flu Season

ILLINOIS Hospitals across the state are reminding visitors that everyone plays an important role in keeping patients safe this flu season. Memorial Health System is recommending visitors to its four hospitals Memorial Medical Center in Springfield, Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital in Lincoln, Passavant Area Hospital in Jacksonville and Taylorville Memorial Hospital limit their visits to only two visitors per patient.

Illinois Senate vows swift action on ambitious budget plan

In this Jan. 9, 2017, file photo, Illinois Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno, R-Lemont, left, talks with Illinois Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, right, at the Illinois State Capitol, in Springfield, Ill. Illinois Senate leaders are hoping to move swiftly on a pledge to advance an ambitious state-budget compromise by month's end.

Illinois House GOP Leader: Democrats – Still Reeling’ After Election

Illinois House Minority Leader Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs, speaks to Democratic lawmakers while on the House floor during a session at the Illinois State Capitol. The top Illinois House Republican claimed "tension is a lot stronger" in Springfield since the election, in part because Democrats are upset Republicans picked up seats.

Governor Rauner Advocates Term Limits, Redistricting Changes

Beneath a bright blue sky, and standing atop a large trailer, Gov. Bruce Rauner Tuesday hit Downstate to repeat his call - first trumpeted Monday in Chicago - for the legislature this fall to implement term limits and also put before voters a constitutional amendment to change the way Illinois does redistricting. Courts have so far stifled citizen-initiated remap proposals.

The Latest: Clinton calls for ‘better listening,’ empathy

In this photo taken March 14, 2016, Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump shakes hands with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie after Christie introduced him at a plane-side rally in an aircraft hanger at Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport in Vienna, Ohio. Christie would give Trump a well-known running mate who's quietly become an expert on Trump's unusual presidential campaign operation.

7-13-16 Clinton in Springfield

Hillary Clinton is calling on the country - including herself - to "do a better job of listening" rather than fueling political and other divisions after a series of high-profile shootings. In a speech heard live on WTAX , Clinton says the country must address both gun violence, criminal justice reform and find ways to better support police departments.

Clinton lambastes Trump as unfit to lead a country dealing with race, violence

A painting of President George Washington hangs behind Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as she speaks at the Old State House in Springfield, Ill. Hillary Clinton excoriated Republican Donald Trump on Wednesday for running a campaign based on "fear mongering," arguing that he is unfit to lead a country grappling with the difficult issues of race and violence.