Kuwait building fire kills at least 49 Indian workers

More than 50 people also injured in fire, which broke out in a six-storey building housing foreign workers

At least 49 people, all Indian nationals, have been killed in a fire which swept through a building housing foreign workers in Kuwait.

More than 50 others were injured in the blaze, which broke out in the six-storey building south of Kuwait City at dawn on Monday.

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G-7 Leaders to Agree to Tap Frozen Russian Assets, France Says – Bloomberg

  1. G-7 Leaders to Agree to Tap Frozen Russian Assets, France Says  Bloomberg
  2. At the G7, Biden Will Push for Frozen Russian Assets to Help Ukraine  The New York Times
  3. US-EU spat derails push for $50B Ukraine loan using Russian assets  POLITICO Europe
  4. US and Ukraine’s EU allies rush to agree deal on Russian assets ahead of G7  Al Jazeera English
  5. At G7, Biden to push $50B loan to Ukraine using frozen Russian assets  ABC News
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Russia, hit by new US sanctions, halts dollar and euro trade on main bourse – Reuters

  1. Russia, hit by new US sanctions, halts dollar and euro trade on main bourse  Reuters
  2. U.S. Expands Sanctions on Russia as G7 Leaders Gather  The New York Times
  3. White House won’t rule out commuting Hunter Biden sentence – live  The Guardian US
  4. Biden administration announces new sanctions against Russia ahead of G7 summit  CNN
  5. U.S. expands sanctions against Russia  Axios
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Putin’s fleet of warships in Cuba is direct warning to Biden, experts say – Fox News

  1. Putin's fleet of warships in Cuba is direct warning to Biden, experts say  Fox News
  2. Russian warships in Cuba don't pose a threat to the United States, Pentagon says  Fox News
  3. Russian warships enter Havana harbor under Washington's watchful eye  CNBC
  4. Capable of launching hypersonic missiles, Russian ships near Florida can pack a wallop  Miami Herald
  5. Russian submarine in Cuba is one US, NATO has worried about for years  Business Insider
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Body of TV presenter Michael Mosley to be repatriated by the weekend

The result of tests to determine the cause of death could take months, but an autopsy has ruled out any criminal action

The body of Dr Michael Mosley is likely to be released to his family and repatriated by the weekend, forensic pathologists have said.

But tests revealing the precise cause of his death could take months because of a lack of certified laboratories to conduct advanced analysis.

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Les Républicains leader vows to stay on despite revolt over Le Pen alliance plans

Éric Ciotti was thought to have locked party’s headquarters, where colleagues were to meet in bid to oust him

Éric Ciotti, the leader of France’s mainstream rightwing party, Les Républicains, has vowed he will stay in his job despite key members of his party voting unanimously to oust him over his proposed alliance with the far right.

Ciotti was believed to have been holed up in his office on Wednesday after locking members out of his party’s Paris headquarters amid a mass revolt over his call for an alliance with Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally.

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Ukraine extends blackouts as Russian bombings continue – BBC.com

  1. Ukraine extends blackouts as Russian bombings continue  BBC.com
  2. Russian barrage leaves Kyiv residents without power and water  Reuters
  3. Russian attacks pushing Ukraine's energy system toward 'worst-case scenario,' largest private energy company says  Kyiv Independent
  4. Russia Cuts Ukraine's Power  Foreign Policy
  5. Ukraine blackouts after Russian strikes on power sector  The Washington Post
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Bear shreds seats then dozes off after breaking into Canadian woman’s car

Black bear apparently opened the vehicle by lifting door handle with its mouth, after breaking into same car last year

After a string of vehicle break-ins in a north Canadian town, local residents have identified the culprit: a black bear with a taste for upholstery foam.

Awoken by a noise near midnight on 11 June, Kayla Seward, who lives in the Ontario township of Larder Lake, went outside to investigate – and found the sleepy black bear locked inside her car.

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Biden and Zelenskyy will sign a security agreement between the US and Ukraine when they meet at G7 – The Associated Press

  1. Biden and Zelenskyy will sign a security agreement between the US and Ukraine when they meet at G7  The Associated Press
  2. Biden, Zelenskyy to sign US-Ukraine security agreement at G7 summit  ABC News
  3. Live news: US stocks notch third straight record high after inflation data and Fed decision  Financial Times
  4. Biden to sign security agreement with Ukraine as Putin cozies up to North Korea  New York Post
  5. US and Ukraine expected to sign long-term security agreement at G7  CNN
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Swiss lawmakers reject climate ruling in favour of female climate elders

Co-president of the KlimaSeniorinnen says declaration is betrayal of older women

Swiss politicians have rejected a landmark climate ruling from the European court of human rights, raising fears that other polluting countries may follow suit.

A panel of Strasbourg judges ruled in April that Switzerland had violated the human rights of older women through weak climate policies that leave them more vulnerable to heatwaves. Activists hailed the judgment as a breakthrough because it leaves all members of the Council of Europe exposed to legal challenges for sluggish efforts to clean up carbon-intensive economies.

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Pope Francis uses homophobic slur for gay men for 2nd time in just weeks, Italian news agency says – CBS News

  1. Pope Francis uses homophobic slur for gay men for 2nd time in just weeks, Italian news agency says  CBS News
  2. Pope Francis Is Accused of Using a Homophobic Slur Again  The New York Times
  3. Pope Francis allegedly repeats gay slur, opposes gay men in priesthood  The Washington Post
  4. Pope Francis allegedly repeats anti-gay slur while discussing ban on homosexual seminarians  Fox News
  5. Pope Francis again uses slur for gay priests in Vatican: Italian media  USA TODAY
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