Australia arrests dozens over app allegedly used by criminals worldwide – Al Jazeera English

  1. Australia arrests dozens over app allegedly used by criminals worldwide  Al Jazeera English
  2. Australian police infiltrate encrypted messaging app Ghost and arrest dozens  The Associated Press
  3. Australian police bust Ghost cybercrime app, leading to dozens of global arrests  Fox News
  4. Global Coalition Takes Down New Criminal Communication Platform  Europol
  5. 'Ghost' cybercrime platform dismantled in global operation, 51 arrested  Reuters
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Sydney lawyer who gang-raped three teenagers during buck’s party had ‘no remorse’, judge says

Judge raises questions about Maurice Hawell’s prospects of rehabilitation after he, brother Marius Hawell and Andrew David were all found guilty of the sexual assaults in July

Maurice Hawell, a Sydney lawyer convicted over the gang rapes of three teenage women during his buck’s weekend, was only remorseful for his own situation and showed no empathy towards his victims, a judge says.

Maurice Hawell, 30, Marius Hawell, 23, and Andrew David, 30, were all found guilty of the sexual assaults in July after a joint trial lasting almost four weeks.

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Sydney man charged over alleged fake terror plot as AFP crack secret messaging app

The 31-year-old allegedly used the encrypted ‘Ghost’ platform to talk about machine guns, bombs and flags with terrorist insignia, the AFP said

A Sydney man has been charged for allegedly using an encrypted messaging platform called “Ghost” to fabricate a terror plot as police swooped on multiple targets after breaching an “un-hackable” system.

The alleged fabricated plot involved high-powered weapons and explosive devices and had been devised to get authorities to withdraw charges for a person involved in a separate criminal matter, Australian federal police said.

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