Gluten-Free in the CLE: The great oat debate

When leading a gluten-free life, so many hearty grains are an absolute “no.” Anything that can be safely kept within your diet is coveted – so why, although naturally gluten-free, do so many Celiac Disease sufferers still leave oats out of their diets? Sorry, the answer isn’t quite that easy.

FDA Probes Dangers of Exploding E-Cigarette Batteries

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is probing the dangers of exploding batteries in e-cigarettes, following dozens of reports of devices that have combusted, overheated or caught fire and sometimes injured users. E-cigarettes are hand-held devices that vaporize liquid nicotine.

For three-time breast cancer survivor, Obamacare only hope

A sign placed out on the 16th Street Mall, beckons people to sign up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act in 2014. For people like me, it isn’t just a theoretical concern that President-elect Trump and Congress will gamble with our healthcare system by repealing Obamacare without a comprehensive replacement plan.

Over 530K Tennesseans wait to see what Congress does on Obamacare

Hundreds of thousands of Tennesseans covered by President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act are watching what a Republican-dominated Congress will do with the health care law now that members are back in session. On the other hand, those Tennesseans who remain uninsured because of high rates say they are hoping the new President-elect follows through with promises of repealing Obamacare with something more affordable.

Compensation, Health Care Costs, and Inequality , by Amy Willis

What sorts of benefits do you receive from your employer that aren’t included in your take-home pay or on your income tax returns? We don’t all have “free” cafeterias and laundry and fitness facilities, like Google . If you do have these kinds of amenities, how do you assess their value in terms of your overall compensation? Setting these cultural amenities aside for now*, probably most of us have health care that is covered, at least in part, by our employers.

Bill and Melinda Gates have invested $140 million in new PrEp pump device

Massachusetts-based pharmaceutical company Intarcia Therapeutics is moving forward with plans to market a subcutaneous device that would deliver a daily dose of the anti-retroviral medicine. They’ve just secured $206 million in funding to better research the mini-osmotic pump; a tiny implant that is inserted beneath the skin in order to treat chronic illnesses like HIV and Type II diabetes.

Munchkin Is the Cutest Dog in DC

The winner of Washingtonian ‘s 2016 Cutest Dog Competition is Munchkin ! A panel of independent judges selected Munchkin from the Top 10 vote-getters in the contest. Munchkin isn’t just cute, he’s a hero, as indicated by his photo AND his bio: This is Munchkin, my 14 yr old Beagle Rescue.

First baby of the year at WDMH

… to Ontario Power Generation for an incredibly generous donation of $10,000 to our new Community Addiction and Mental Health Centre, just in time for the holidays. CCHF Foundation is grateful for OPG’s support to help keep our community healthy. …

The Bottom Line Of Your New Year’s Resolution

… still aren’t convinced, or your habit is a little less drastic than that, check out this infographic from Guard Your Health that elaborates how much cash you are losing to tobacco. If you are committing to one new year’s resolution, for both your …

Directors Guild Denies Violating Obamacare

… medicine and avoided surgeries, but according to the lawsuit, he was told in October 2014 that the DGA Producer Health Plan wouldn’t pay for naturopathic care. He and Grossman claim that the refusal of coverage violates the Affordable Care Act’s …

Do you really need to visit A and E?

The public are being asked to consider using other healthcare services rather than Accident and Emergency , as A&E departments are under pressure following a busy weekend and bank holiday Monday. Foluke Ajayi, Chief Operating Officer at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are currently experiencing increased pressure in both our A&E departments at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary and Furness General Hospital, and we are calling on the public to again help us.

Albania schools to remain closed amid weather, flu concerns

Albania is suspending the reopening of schools after the New Year’s break because of frigid weather and concern about the spread of flu. A Health Ministry statement on Tuesday warned that subfreezing temperatures will cover the whole country for several days, “creating favorable conditions for the further spread of the virus.”

CDC: Flu widespread throughout Virginia

The CDC reports that the number of influenza cases is increasing in Virginia and is now widespread throughout the state. Symptoms of flu include a high fever, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headache, extreme tiredness, muscle aches and shortness of breath, according to Patient First.

Bates, Irene Elizabeth

… Irene was born a miracle baby to Roger and Barbara on June 21, 1986. She had several open heart surgeries and various health issues leading to congestive heart failure. Irene was recently pursuing her GED. She had a heart of gold and was a friend to …

Birth control requests rise ahead of Trump

… time and earning her college degree in genetics when she got a serious boyfriend. Thompson sought care at the campus health clinic, where she chose a hormone implant under her skin that prevents pregnancy for up to thee years. ST. LOUIS – Angelica …

Flu reported widespread in Virginia

If you’re not starting off 2017 sick with the flu, odds are someone in your family, circle of friends, or job isn’t feeling well today. “Symptoms of flu include a high fever, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headache, extreme tiredness, muscle aches and shortness of breath,” Patient First spokesperson Taylor Robertson said.

Witchford Village College students urge smokers to quit through ‘Kick Ash’ campaign video

Students from Witchford Village College have tried their hand at film making in an attempt to urge smokers to stub out their cigarettes this January. The students shot a video – which shows them chasing a giant cigarette and squirting it with water pistols – as part of the countywide Kick Ash campaign, which works with younger children to teach them about the dangers of smoking.