Loads to do for Family Day in Kelowna

There will be free skating, winter sport demonstrations and family soccer Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Capital News Centre, 4105 Gordon Dr. The Kelowna Speed Skating Club will have coaches available from 2 to 3 p.m. to give skating tips; people can try speed skates or use their own. The Kelowna Skating Club will have coaches on the leisure ice from 2 to 3 p.m. giving skating tips to children under six years old.

COLUMN: Fighting the fight of your life

I think there were two of them in the hole and one pushed the other out and said ”Ha, that will fool them.” My week started with a wham, I got all my stuff ready for the flea market Sunday and the truck would not start, not a good sign.

Human will lay off 260 Tampa Bay employees

… on Friday confirmed it is laying off 260 Tampa Bay employees tied to the Humana at Home program. [BRENDAN FITTERER Health insurance giant Humana Inc. is laying off 260 Tampa Bay employees and another 68 around Florida less than three weeks after a …

Communication in cancer care

Ask anyone about their experience with their own or a loved one’s cancer, and the response will likely include a story or remark about an oncologist, surgeon, nurse, or other health care provider. These are often positive stories: the oncologist who remembered a child’s birthday, the nurse who stayed after his shift to wait with an elderly patient until her daughter arrived to pick her up, or the surgeon who attended a husband’s funeral.

Direct radiolabeling of nanographene materials enhances bioimaging accuracy, reduces biases

Positron emission tomography plays a pivotal role for monitoring the distribution and accumulation of radiolabeled nanomaterials in living subjects. The radioactive metals are usually connected to the nanomaterial through an anchor, a so-called chelator, but this chemical binding can be omitted if nanographene is used, as American scientists report in the journal Angewandte Chemie .

InnovationDB conducts study to explore use of plastic electronics in healthcare devices

Now is the time for healthcare innovators to adopt plastic electronics and revolutionise healthcare monitoring and diagnosis. InnovationDB, the world’s largest IP licensable technology database, has carried out a comprehensive study of the use of plastic electronics in healthcare devices to spot the biggest trends and identify the full potential of this exciting technology to transform our lives.

Senate confirms polarizing pick for health secretary

A polarized Senate voted early Friday morning to confirm Tom Price, the conservative Georgia congressman who has been one of Congress’s most vehement opponents of the Affordable Care Act, as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. The 52-47 vote made Price the latest in a series of controversial Cabinet nominees whom the Senate’s Republican majority has been strong enough to muscle through on party-line votes.

NHC Announces Common Dividend

)– National HealthCare Corporation (NYSE MKT: NHC), the nation’s oldest publicly traded long-term health care company, announced today that it will pay a quarterly dividend of 45 cents per common share to shareholders of record on March 31, 2017 and …

Is Vaping the Best Way to Stop LGBT Smoking?

Conversations about improving LGBT health are dominated by three topics: reducing HIV, improving mental health, and ending the epidemic of suicide in our community. But there is another issue facing LGBT people, and it demands to be addressed: smoking.

Beware! Dense breasts doubles risk of cancer: Study

Washington D.C. [USA], Feb. 10 : Beware! A study finds that women with dense breasts have two-fold increased risk of developing breast cancer. The study, published in the journal Cancer, is among the first to find the association between breast density and contralateral breast cancer .

Doctor wrongly diagnosed patients with cancer

Dr. Gary Marder in Port St. Lucie, Florida has agreed to pay up to $18 million to reimburse the government for Medicare payments on patients who were not ill. Prosecutors allege that Dr. Marder falsely diagnosed patients with skin cancer and put them through medically unnecessary radiation treatments, pocketing millions from the insurance companies.

Tongue and intimate piercings ban for under-18s call

The Public Health Bill, if passed, will ban children under the age of 16 from having piercings of the tongue and genitalia. But the health committee thinks the age of consent should be higher, expressing “serious concerns” about the medical implications of piercing young people.

Report recommends use of medicinal cannabis

A major report to be published later today is to recommend that medicinal cannabis be made available to patients with specified medical conditions. It is among a number of recommendations contained in the Cannabis for Medical Use report, which is to be published by Minister for Health Simon Harris.

Thanking Justice Roberts

National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius case which held that the “penalty” for not buying health insurance was actually a “tax” and therefore constitutional.

If you give a kindergartner a Chromebook

Although even the youngest children are considered tech-savvy today, there exists a difference between a child who knows how to use a tablet to watch videos and a child who knows how to navigate a device for active learning. The thought of giving 30 kindergarten students their own Chromebooks might be daunting.

Board attaches higher fees to vape shops in Forsyth County

Forsyth County commissioners unanimously approved new rules for stores selling “non-traditional tobacco paraphernalia, e-cigarettes and alternative nicotine products.” At a recent work session, Forsyth County commissioners unanimously approved new rules for stores selling “non-traditional tobacco paraphernalia, e-cigarettes and alternative nicotine products.”

Cuts to Auckland sexual health services

Auckland has the highest concentration of people with HIV in the country – taking away their access to specialist health lets down those most vulnerable, Dr Peter Saxton said. Despite HIV and syphilis cases at record high levels, sexual health services are being cut by the Auckland District Health Board, critics say.