Two Docs: Don’t give yourself a heart attack

There’s a reason the song “Stressed Out,” by Twenty One Pilots, struck a chord with listeners last year, topping the charts and recently winning a Grammy. The chorus is nostalgic: “Wish we could turn back time to the good old days/when our momma sang us to sleep, but now we’re stressed out.”

Charity walk needs teams

Money raised from the event will support programs, education and services in Kelowna and across B.C., as well as research into causes of and cures for dementia. Last year, the walk raised more than $813,000 across B.C. Teams that raise more than $250 by March 14 will be entered to win $500 in Air Canada gift cards.

NBA All-Star Saturday night stunk

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events Aaron Gordon using a drone for a dunk summed up All-Star Saturday night – a lot of flash and star power, but a lot of dead airtime and screw-ups. The basketball-loving portion of the world spent 2 1/2 hours being bored out of its collective mind as the NBA’s annual showcase of its players’s best skills instead turned into a snoozefest, with no juice either inside the arena or for viewers watching at home.

Why is vaccine safety still debated?

… vaccines for medical reasons and people who don’t respond to particular vaccines. Our advances in medicine and health care mean we will likely never see the return of the high mortality rates of the 18th century, when almost one in three children …

Smartphones are revolutionizing medicine

… are turning to smartphones for use in their daily work, seeing them as a useful tool for managing electronic health data and figuring out the most effective clinical trials, said Gregory Hager, professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins …

The 1 Stock I’d Never Put in an IRA

Investors can add all sorts of investments to an IRA, but many financial advisors will suggest sticking with conservative dividend stocks. The reason is simple — blue chip income generators generally bounce back from big market crashes, and the compounding effect of reinvested dividends can deliver massive returns over several decades.

EXCLUSIVE: Disabled Veterans Report Discrimination, Targeting At Export-Import Bank

Disabled veterans working at the Export-Import bank are reporting that management is trying hard to oust them from the agency. Two disabled veterans at the Trade Credit Insurance Division of the Export-Import bank say that management is forcing them to move to the agency’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., and increasing their working hours, despite the fact that they suffer from debilitating medical conditions.

Texas state senator smashes glass table with gavel during hearing on abortion bill

State Sen. Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown, chairman of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, broke a glass table when he smashed his gavel on its surface to stop the testimony of an intern with NARAL Pro-Choice Texas during a Wednesday hearing, according to reports. According to the San Antonio Express-News , Maggie Hennessy was speaking against Senate Bill 415 , which would “prohibit certain dismemberment abortions,” when Schwertner interrupted her to tell her that her “time is done.”

Breaking records

Shaver Briggs records a speed of 91 miles per hour Saturday at the ninth annual Falls International Speed Run Against Cancer at Thunderbird Lodge. The event raises money to assist with cancer treatment transportation costs for community members.

Flu Cases Prompt Restrictions at Some Hospitals

Health officials around the region have reported widespread cases of influenza and the impact is reaching some health care organizations in the Twin Tiers. Guthrie Healthcare Network has issued a statement saying visitor restrictions are now in place for all Guthrie Hospitals due to an increased prevalence of flu.

Congress should initially focus on short-term fixes for ACA

Premium increases hitting those in the narrow individual health insurance market put a necessary spotlight on the Affordable Care Act’s flaws. But as efforts to repair the law – or repeal it – ramp up with the recent confirmation of U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price , it is important to remember that the ACA also benefited millions of Americans.

Smartphones are revolutionizing medicine

… are turning to smartphones for use in their daily work, seeing them as a useful tool for managing electronic health data and figuring out the most effective clinical trials, said Gregory Hager, professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins …

China battling bird flu surge

Authorities have closed live poultry markets across the country in an attempt to slow down the spread of the deadly virus. The ban was implemented after a woman in her twneties and her young daughter both died after coming in contact with live poultry, the New York Times reported.

Dozens rally to keep Affordable Care Act

… affordable care act is repealed, more than 110 thousand jobs in Illinois would be lost by 2019. The fear of losing health care has also sparked across the nation. More than 11 point 5 million people have signed up for coverage through the federal …

Survivor of ‘unfortunate experiment’ at National Women’s…

A cervical cancer survivor who was at the heart of the “Unfortunate Experiment” has hit out at the Auckland District Health Board’s first attempt at an apology to the women harmed in the study, after nearly three decades. Clare Matheson, 80, says DHB official Dr Margaret Wilsher’s expression of “sympathy” smacks of trying to excuse former staff for their role in what an inquiry by Dame Silvia Cartwright found was an unethical study.

Taking illness personally

This Thursday at 8 p.m., Dutt, 12, a will be featured on David Suzuki’s The Nature of Things on CBC for a cancer story. The 12-year-old student at Surrey’s Janice Churchill Elementary is part of a clinical trial at the BC Cancer Agency with some promising results that caught the eyes of producers.

10 Good Cheapest Cigarette Brands in 2017

… expensive cigarettes are the best. The cost of smoking, however, isn’t always the monetary cost; it also affects your health. If you’re trying to decrease the amount of nicotine and tar you’re consuming, take a look at our list of the 5 Healthiest, …