Trump vows – insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

President-elect Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he is nearing completion of a plan to replace President Barack Obama’s signature health-care law with the goal of ”insurance for everybody,” while also vowing to force drug companies to negotiate directly with the government on prices in Medicare and Medicaid. Trump declined to reveal specifics in the telephone interview late Saturday with The Washington Post, but any proposals from the incoming president would almost certainly dominate the Republican effort to overhaul federal health policy as he prepares to work with his party’s congressional majorities.

Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in ACA replacement plan

President-elect Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he is nearing completion of a plan to replace President Barack Obama’s signature health-care law with the goal of “insurance for everybody,” while also vowing to force drug companies to negotiate directly with the government on prices in Medicare and Medicaid. Trump declined to reveal specifics in the telephone interview late Saturday with The Washington Post, but any proposals from the incoming president would almost certainly dominate the Republican effort to overhaul federal health policy as he prepares to work with his party’s congressional majorities.

Letter: Let’s hold Trump to his promise

… benefits. During Monday’s farewell address, President Barack Obama again declared his willingness to support a health-care initiative that is better than Obamacare. So let’s hope the stage is set for a bipartisan approach to a more affordable and …

Back briefs

If you haven’t signed up for health insurance, you may soon be getting a not-too-subtle nudge from the taxman. The IRS is sending personalized letters to millions of taxpayers who might be uninsured, reminding them that they could be on the hook for hundreds of dollars in fines under the federal health care law if they don’t sign up soon through .

a This experiment has faileda : House charts course to repeal health law

The House cleared the way Friday for speedy action to repeal the Affordable Care Act, putting Congress on track to undo the most significant health care law in a half-century. With a near party-line vote of 227-198, the House overcame the opposition of Democrats and the anxieties of some Republicans to approve a budget blueprint that allows Republicans to end major provisions of President Barack Obama’s health care law without the threat of a Democratic filibuster in the Senate.

House votes to begin repealing Obamacare

U.S. House Republicans on Friday won passage of a measure starting the process of dismantling Obamacare, despite concerns about not having a ready replacement and the potential financial cost of repealing Democratic President Barack Obama’s landmark health insurance law. A bill repealing Obamacare sits on a desk after being signed by U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan at the U.S. Capitol in Washington January 7, 2016.

U.S. House Votes to Begin Repealing Obamacare

U.S. House Republicans on Friday won passage of a measure starting the process of dismantling Obamacare, despite concerns about not having a ready replacement and the potential financial cost of repealing repealing Democratic President Barack Obama’s landmark health insurance law. The House of Representatives voted 227-198 to instruct committees to draft legislation by a target date of Jan. 27 that would repeal the 2010 Affordable Health Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare.

IRS letters warn millions over insurance penalty

If you haven’t signed up for health insurance, you may soon be getting a not-too-subtle nudge from the taxman. The IRS is sending personalized letters to millions of taxpayers who might be uninsured, reminding them that they could be on the hook for hundreds of dollars in fines under the federal health care law if they don’t sign up soon through

Personalized IRS letters nudge uninsured to get coverage

If you haven’t signed up for health insurance, you may soon be getting a not-too-subtle nudge from the taxman. The IRS is sending personalized letters to millions of taxpayers who might be uninsured, reminding them that they could be on the hook for hundreds of dollars in fines under the federal health care law if they don’t sign up soon through

US Congress approves first step for repealing Obamacare

The US House of Representatives on Friday joined the Senate in passing a critical measure that marks the first major step toward repealing outgoing President Barack Obama’s landmark but controversial health care reforms. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan arrives for his weekly news conference in the Capitol Visitors Center at the U.S. Capitol January 12, 2017 in Washington, DC.

IRS letters nudge uninsured to get coverage

WASHINGTON  - If you haven’t signed up for health insurance, you may soon be getting a not-too-subtle nudge from the taxman. The IRS is sending personalized letters to millions of taxpayers who might be uninsured, reminding them that they could be on the hook for hundreds of dollars in fines under the federal health care law if they don’t sign up soon through

U.S. House votes to begin repealing Obamacare

… about not having a ready replacement and the potential financial cost of repealing President Barack Obama’s landmark health insurance law. The House voted 227-198 to instruct committees to draft legislation by a target date of Jan. 27 that would …

The Senate Just Took Its First Step Toward Repealing Obamacare

The Senate early Thursday passed a measure to take the first step forward on dismantling President Barack Obama’s health care law, responding to pressure to move quickly even as Republicans and President-elect Trump grapple with what to replace it with. The nearly party-line 51-48 vote came on a nonbinding Republican-backed budget measure that eases the way for action on subsequent repeal legislation as soon as next month.

Senate approves measure launching Obamacare repeal process

The U.S. Senate on Thursday took a first concrete step toward dismantling Obamacare, voting to instruct key committees to draft legislation repealing President Barack Obama’s signature health insurance program. File Photo: A boy waits in line at a health insurance enrollment event in Cudahy, California March 27, 2014.

Dave Brat On Obamacare: The Repeal Vote Is Bigger Than Health Care

Fiscal hawk Republican Rep. Dave Brat of Virginia said repealing Obamacare is bigger than just fixing the nation’s health care policy – it could help preserve entitlements for future generations. Brat, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, noted while President Barack Obama assured his landmark health-care legislation would drive down costs, it has done the opposite, which is taking its toll on entitlement programs.

With pizza and Red Bull, Senate settles in for a long battle over Obamacare

Senate Democrats might not be able to stop Republicans from tearing up President Barack Obama’s signature health care law, but they were seeking late Wednesday to make it as uncomfortable as possible. Taking advantage of an arcane Senate tradition known as a “vote-a-rama,” party leaders were prepared to go late into the night to force Republicans to take votes on popular provisions of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, warning that the party could spark chaos by repealing the legislation that has extended health insurance to millions.

Act quickly on Obamacare: Trump

… rid of it. The law, popularly known as Obamacare, has enabled millions of previously uninsured Americans to obtain health insurance, but Republicans condemn it as a government overreach. With Trump set to succeed Obama on January 20, Republicans, …

The battles over Obama’s legacy begin

… has the power to repeal ACA, but political realities dictate that they can’t cut off millions from access to health insurance without replacing it with something comparable – or, as Trump vaguely has promised, “something terrific.” A lot of people …

How Democrats Can Defeat the Repeal of Obamacare

… can win, if they’re smart about it. As Republicans themselves are now realizing, it’s easy to criticize a complex health-care law when the other party is getting blamed for everything anyone doesn’t like about the system, but it’s a lot harder to …


… WASHINGTON (AP) – Congress is poised to complete its initial step toward dismantling President Barack Obama’s health care law, as Republicans divided over how to replace it face pressure from Donald Trump for quick action. “We have a responsibility …

How will Congress act?

Well, folks, in the last day or two we got a glimpse of what we can look forward to with a Republican-controlled Congress emboldened by Donald Trump’s election: overreach and arrogance. The first thing they try to do is weaken oversight of ethics violations in the House.

The ‘Delicate Dance’ of Replacing Obamacare

Although the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, is considered the most significant and comprehensive overhaul of the American health care system since the 1960s, when Medicaid and Medicare were established, it has been the target of reform virtually since its enactment in 2010. Last year, the words “repeal and replace” became the mantra of Republican congressional leaders looking to dismantle the legislation and was a key talking point for Donald Trump while on the campaign trail.