Biggest winners of an Obamacare repeal: The young, healthy and rich

In one of the latest rounds of government-by-tweet, Donald Trump has once again revealed that he doesn’t have a clue about the markets for health care and health insurance. “Also, deductibles are so high that it is practically useless,” wrote the president-elect on Wednesday about health insurance policies sold on the Obamacare exchanges.

Manatt on Medicaid: Monthly Expansion Recap – January 2017

The Arkansas Health Reform Legislative Task Force met for the last time to approve its final report , which includes findings and recommendations on health coverage in Arkansas, including the finding that continuing Medicaid expansion would save the State $637 million from 2017 to 2021. The report also estimates that changes already underway, including capping some mental health benefits and allowing managed care organizations to manage dental benefits, will yield an additional $963 million in savings over the next five years.

Planned Parenthood To Be DE-FUNDED After All

… has opposed past efforts. The vast majority of federal money that Planned Parenthood does receive funds preventive health care, birth control, pregnancy tests, breast cancer screening and other women’s health care services. Democrats also point out …

Medicare Failed To Recover Up To $125 Million In Overpayments From Private Insurers

A Medicare Advantage plan run by Independence Blue Cross, headquartered in Philadelphia, was among those audited for overcharging by the federal government. Six years ago, federal health officials were confident they could save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars annually by auditing private Medicare Advantage insurance plans that allegedly overcharged the government for medical services.

Bernie Sanders Says Trump Won Because Democrats Are Out Of Touch

Sen. Bernie Sanders talks to reporters about preserving the Affordable Care Act with fellow Democrats from both the House and Senate after a meeting with President Obama at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 4 in Washington, D.C. “Look, you can’t simply go around to wealthy people’s homes raising money and expect to win elections,” the Vermont senator, who gave Clinton a surprisingly strong run for the Democratic nomination, told NPR’s David Greene in an interview airing on Morning Edition. “You’ve got to go out and mix it up and be with ordinary people.”

Ryan: GOP to ‘defund’ Planned Parenthood in Obamacare repeal

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday Republicans would strip federal dollars for Planned Parenthood as part of the GOP effort to repeal the health care law, prompting an outcry from the century-old organization and Democrats promising to fight the move. Ryan spoke a day after a special House panel issued a report criticizing the organization, which provides birth control, abortions and various women’s health services, for its practices regarding providing tissue from aborted fetuses to researchers.

The ‘Delicate Dance’ of Replacing Obamacare

Although the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, is considered the most significant and comprehensive overhaul of the American health care system since the 1960s, when Medicaid and Medicare were established, it has been the target of reform virtually since its enactment in 2010. Last year, the words “repeal and replace” became the mantra of Republican congressional leaders looking to dismantle the legislation and was a key talking point for Donald Trump while on the campaign trail.

Ryan: GOP to ‘Defund’ Planned Parenthood in Obamacare Repeal

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Obamacare: Good, bad and ugly

… and competition via price transparency, insurance companies that can do business across state lines and expanded health savings accounts. The individual mandate was designed to con young people into going to the exchanges and buying insurance …

Obamacare: Good, bad and ugly

… and competition via price transparency, insurance companies that can do business across state lines and expanded health savings accounts. The individual mandate was designed to con young people into going to the exchanges and buying insurance …

The Obamacare debate isna t over

… House, a chorus of voices is urging delay and caution. And it’s true that widespread, sudden disruption of existing health insurance arrangements could short-circuit a workable transition to more market-oriented and less Washington-centric health …

Mass. groups mobilize against threat to Obamacare

As the Republican-led Congress moves to repeal the federal Affordable Care Act, a new Massachusetts-based coalition is preparing to fight back. More than 20 groups representing hospitals, doctors, insurers, employers, health policy experts, and consumer advocates are banding together to try to preserve the state’s near-universal access to health care.

Senate OKs first step to repeal Obamacare despite some GOP misgivings

The Senate early Thursday passed a measure to take the first step forward on dismantling President Barack Obama’s health care law, responding to pressure to move quickly even as Republicans and President-elect Trump grapple with what the replace it with. The nearly party-line 51-48 vote came on a nonbinding Republican-backed budget measure that eases the way for action on subsequent repeal legislation as soon as next month.

The myth of pre-existing conditions

Democrats are warning that once Obamacare is repealed, people with serious illnesses won’t get health insurance. President Obama says repeal will mean going The truth is, every Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act protects people with pre-existing conditions.

For three-time breast cancer survivor, Obamacare only hope

A sign placed out on the 16th Street Mall, beckons people to sign up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act in 2014. For people like me, it isn’t just a theoretical concern that President-elect Trump and Congress will gamble with our healthcare system by repealing Obamacare without a comprehensive replacement plan.

Over 530K Tennesseans wait to see what Congress does on Obamacare

Hundreds of thousands of Tennesseans covered by President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act are watching what a Republican-dominated Congress will do with the health care law now that members are back in session. On the other hand, those Tennesseans who remain uninsured because of high rates say they are hoping the new President-elect follows through with promises of repealing Obamacare with something more affordable.

GOP set to dismantle Obama’s legacy

… a rare trip to Capitol Hill on Wednesday to meet with congressional Democrats and discuss strategy for saving the health care law. Vice President-elect Mike Pence will meet with Republicans. The House will vote on Tuesday on a rules package that …

In Dem reply, former KY gov says Trump would ‘rip’ away care new

Former Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear took a populist tenor in Democrats’ formal response to President Donald Trump’s speech to Congress on Tuesday, accusing him of planning to “rip affordable health insurance” from Americans and being “Wall Street’s champion.” Seated at a diner in Lexington, Kentucky, Beshear also assailed Trump for “ignoring serious threats to our national security from Russia, who’s not our friend, while alienating our allies.”