Why the Left Fears Ultrasound Technologyby Alexandra DeSanctisOn…

With impressive creativity, the piece attempts both to dismiss the clear evidence that is presented by ultrasound images and to imply that inanimate medical tools are motivated by a subversive pro-life agenda. Though the Democratic party and its vast pro-abortion wing cling fiercely to , The Atlantic ‘s bizarre offering reveals the truth: that being pro-abortion requires the resolute denial of science in order to facilitate a rejection of the unborn child’s humanity.

Abortion opponents hope Trump will support, help their cause

US President Donald Trump prepares to sign several executive orders in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, January 23, 2017. Trump on Monday signed three orders on withdrawing the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, freezing the hiring of federal workers and hitting foreign NGOs that help with abortion.

Planned Parenthood focus groups suggest that lack of…

Two weeks ago, Planned Parenthood convened six small focus groups, each in a swing state, and asked voters who had cast ballots for Donald Trump what they thought of abortion rights. The first half of the conversations found these voters reluctantly supportive of Trump, with some nagging worries about how he’d govern.

Planned Parenthood focus groups suggest that lack of…

Two weeks ago, Planned Parenthood convened six small focus groups, each in a swing state, and asked voters who had cast ballots for Donald Trump what they thought of abortion rights. The first half of the conversations found these voters reluctantly supportive of Trump, with some nagging worries about how he’d govern.