FEATURE-The billionaire philanthropists intent on using satellites to save the world

Some of the world’s most influential billionaire philanthropists plan to launch a powerful digital platform to harness the avalanche of data sent from satellites each day – and make it freely available for humanitarian and environmental causes. Bill and Melinda Gates – who are also custodians of legendary investor Warren Buffet’s billions – have joined forces with Pierre Omidyar, founder of eBay, to fund the ‘Radiant Earth’ project, a repository and archive of the world’s satellite, aerial and drone imagery.

eBay Inc. (EBAY) Releases FY17 Earnings Guidance

The company provided EPS guidance of $1.98-2.03 for the period, compared to the Thomson Reuters consensus EPS estimate of $2.07. The company issued revenue guidance of $9.3-9.5 billion, compared to the consensus revenue estimate of $9.37 billion.eBay also updated its Q1 guidance to $0.46-0.48 EPS.


As for specifications, you’ll receive the same 4-in . Retina display as the iPhone 5 , plus an A6 processor, LTE, Bluetooth 4.0 and dual-band 802.

Strs Ohio Reduces Stake in eBay Inc.

Strs Ohio lowered its position in eBay Inc. by 3.2% during the third quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the SEC. The firm owned 636,824 shares of the e-commerce company’s stock after selling 21,199 shares during the period.

Strs Ohio Reduces Stake in eBay Inc.

Strs Ohio lowered its position in eBay Inc. by 3.2% during the third quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the SEC. The firm owned 636,824 shares of the e-commerce company’s stock after selling 21,199 shares during the period.

Cut the cordTech titans shun screen time for their kidsScreen time is …

He created one of the world’s biggest tech companies earning him billions but the late Steve Jobs, the man behind the iPod, iPad and iPhone, once let slip to a New York Times journalist that he strictly limited his children’s use of technology. And, as it turns out, the chief technology officer of eBay sent his children to a Waldorf school where screen time is actively discouraged and the use of screens at home is frowned upon.