Pando_ruffus is a bioinformatics tool for for exploring and characterising bacterial genome data. Input is paired-end reads and assemblies.
Category: GitHub
jsonfield 2.0.0
Please email if interested. Use PostgreSQL? 1.0.0 introduced a breaking change to the underlying data type, so if you were using < 1.0.0 please read before upgrading.
scriptabit 2.0.0
Readme ====== Python scripting and scenarios for Habitica. .. image:: :target: :alt: Travis CI ..
scriptabit 1.18.0
Readme ====== Python scripting and scenarios for Habitica. .. image:: :target: :alt: Travis CI ..
scriptabit 1.17.1
Readme ====== Python scripting and scenarios for Habitica. .. image:: :target: :alt: Travis CI ..
concrete 4.11.10
Copyright 2012-2016 Johns Hopkins University HLTCOE. All rights reserved. This software is released under the 2-clause BSD license.