Bob Tamasy: Upside And Downside Of Imagination

Where would we be without imagination? Through the centuries, imagination has propelled inventors to new horizons – such as the Wright brothers and their flying machines, Thomas Edison and the incandescent lightbulb, and George Washington Carver, who found many uses for the humble peanut.

World Patent Marketing Invention Team Presents Saint’s Light, A…

The renewable energy industry is worth $680 billion,” says Scott Cooper, CEO and Creative Director of World Patent Marketing. “There is a worldwide push to increase the prevalence of green energy among major markets… World Patent Marketing, a vertically integrated manufacturer and engineer of patented products, introduces Saint’s Light, a renewable energy invention that uses solar panels to provide homes everywhere with much-needed electricity.

With mini-vessels, mini-brains expand research potential

IMAGE: Under the microscope, staining highlights a network of vasculature amid the ball of neurons that make up a minibrain. view more PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Scientists have recently made a wondrous variety of mini-brains — 3-D cultures of neural cells that model basic properties of living brains — but a new finding could add to the field’s growing excitement in an entirely new “vein”: Brown University’s mini-brains now grow blood vessels, too.

Queen Elizabeth Prize Awarded to Inventors Who Revolutionized Digital Imaging

Winners of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering announced in London today, Michael Tompsett Nobukazu Teranishi and Eric Fossum . Along with George Smith they will share the A 1million prize for combined contribution to digital imaging have been honored with the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Prize, a British award that celebrates world-changing innovations in engineering that have been of global benefit to humanity.

Queen Elizabeth Prize Awarded to Inventors Who Revolutionized Digital Imaging

Winners of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering announced in London today, Michael Tompsett Nobukazu Teranishi and Eric Fossum . Along with George Smith they will share the A 1million prize for combined contribution to digital imaging have been honored with the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Prize, a British award that celebrates world-changing innovations in engineering that have been of global benefit to humanity.

Queen Elizabeth Prize Awarded to Inventors Who Revolutionized Digital Imaging

Winners of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering announced in London today, Michael Tompsett Nobukazu Teranishi and Eric Fossum . Along with George Smith they will share the A 1million prize for combined contribution to digital imaging have been honored with the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Prize, a British award that celebrates world-changing innovations in engineering that have been of global benefit to humanity.

Queen Elizabeth Prize Awarded to Inventors Who Revolutionized Digital Imaging

Winners of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering announced in London today, Michael Tompsett Nobukazu Teranishi and Eric Fossum . Along with George Smith they will share the A 1million prize for combined contribution to digital imaging have been honored with the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Prize, a British award that celebrates world-changing innovations in engineering that have been of global benefit to humanity.

Adjustable flaps for wind turbines

Researchers at the University of Oldenburg have developed a flap for wind turbine generators which is mounted parallel to the main rotor blade and is considerably smaller in its size and mass than the main blade. The core piece of the invention is the adjustable pitch of the flap.

What is a Planet?

Humanity’s understanding of what constitutes a planet has changed over time. Whereas our most notable magi and scholars once believed that the world was a flat disc , they gradually learned that it was in fact spherical.

Intralink Spine??’s R??juve Treatment Nears Completion Of Safety…

With extremely positive clinical results at the six-month juncture from its early safety and feasibility study in Malaysia, Intralink-Spine, Inc. confirms that the RejuveTM System is now poised to begin its multi-site pivotal study beginning with sites in Southeast Asia. “We’ve demonstrated the safety of this device, and based on my 30-plus years of experience in this field, the prospects for this revolutionary microinvasive treatment are unique compared to all other existing and emerging surgical and minimally invasive treatments for degenerative disc disease and chronic low back pain.”

Why Andrew Ramer Is One of Our Most Righteous Men

Having spent 20 part-time years in the Jewish professional world, I’ve come to appreciate the Kabbalistic concept of the lamed-vavniks , the 36 righteous people who, hidden from view, are secretly maintaining the world by their good deeds. What I mean is, the Jewish teachers, leaders, innovators, and mensches who inspire me are mostly lesser known – and often unknown by the mainstream Jewish world.

Schrute Bucks, Stanley Nickels And Bitcoins

There is a great episode of the American version of The Office in which Dwight Schrute, Assistant to the Regional Manager at Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch, creates an incentive program focused around “Schrute bucks”. An exchange with grumpy salesman Stanley Hudson follows: Dwight: Don’t you want to earn Schrute bucks? Stanley: No.

The Department of Never Mind

We are convinced that technology’s advance would have been smoother if now and then an inventor’s best friend had stepped forward to say, “That is not a good idea.” We’ve picked six examples of ideas that probably would have benefited from a little more reflection before the metal was bent.

Thata s not true: Stand guard against interneta s fake news virus

“Fear of foreigners” headlines from the 1920s warned Americans about the peril of alien invaders from Europe. During 1941, our country declared war against Japan and hysteria swept across the nation; truth became the first casualty of war and anyone who “looked” like the enemy became the enemy with sightings of “Jap” planes over our Valley.

Times Gone By: Genius of madcap a magiciana

Keeping the home fires burning in the cold winter of 1970 were members of Link, a charity for elderly people led by… Stafford’s Pageant Day in 1971 saw Merlin Maddock take up the challenge to fly for 50 metres without the assistance of a… MOURNERS gathered around the graveside in a South Welsh village cemetery were not unduly surprised to hear the minister utter the prayer… In the name of the Father, the Son and into the hole he goes. After all, they were saying farewell to a joker, an eccentric, a man who had lived in Stafford for the best part of 25 years before departing for the village of his birth where he lost none of the qualities of an oddball.

Inventor Creates Functional Tracer Pulse Gun from Overwatch

Overwatch fans rejoice! Inventor Patrick Priebe of Laser Gadgets has created a fully-functional Tracer Pulse Gun, and visually, it looks to match its video game counterpart, while the side “has spinners”. Users can switch in / out of pulse firing, and you can set lots of things on fire when you’re bored.

New Work by Photographer Abelardo Morell Launches Concord…

Concord Museum is launching the 2017 celebration of the bicentennial of the birth of Henry David Thoreau, one of America’s most thought-provoking writers and thinkers, with a deeply personal exhibition by photographer Abelardo Morell. Walden: Four Views Abelardo Morell will be on exhibit in the Concord Museum’s Wallace Kane Gallery from February 10 through August 20, 2017.

Popcorn: “Hidden Figures”

Watching director Theodore Melfi’s “Hidden Figures,” about the African-American women working for NASA who were instrumental if not indispensable to getting our first man in space, we scratch our heads and can’t help but ask ourselves, “How come I didn’t know this?” But figuring the truth here isn’t rocket science. So many years after the fact, it’s the same depth of prejudice that hampered Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson and their sister colleagues from convincing the space agency of their genius that has squirreled away their story.

Why the Left Fears Ultrasound Technologyby Alexandra DeSanctisOn…

With impressive creativity, the piece attempts both to dismiss the clear evidence that is presented by ultrasound images and to imply that inanimate medical tools are motivated by a subversive pro-life agenda. Though the Democratic party and its vast pro-abortion wing cling fiercely to , The Atlantic ‘s bizarre offering reveals the truth: that being pro-abortion requires the resolute denial of science in order to facilitate a rejection of the unborn child’s humanity.