EXCLUSIVE: She’s STILL with her – Hillary and Huma Abedin are pictured together for the first time since losing the election, after a five-hour meeting at the failed candidate’s New York office Blaze in Manhattan high-rise leaves 18 injured – including four firefighters – after trapping 20 residents on the roof who tweeted ‘pray for us’ Which personality type are YOU? Quiz claims there are just eight different categories in the world – and your favorite color can reveal if you’re an individualist or an investigator The binge-drinking map of America: North Dakota has the heaviest drinkers while Arkansans down an average of eight drinks in one sitting Now Trump hints at CANCELLING the costly F-35 Lockheed Martin aircraft saying he’s asked rival Boeing to ‘price-out a comparable F18’ Texas man who told police he came home to find his wife and baby son’s throats slit is arrested for murder … (more)