This module provides an object type which efficiently represents an array of booleans. Bitarrays are sequence types and behave very much like usual lists.
Category: Programming Languages
Deep Probabilistic Programming
To insert individual citation into a bibliography in a word-processor, select your preferred citation style below and drag-and-drop it into the document. We propose Edward, a Turing-complete probabilistic programming language.
gprime 1.0.9a2
It uses the Gramps API for data, reports, import/export, etc. * Designed for collaboration and fast processing of large databases * Multi-user, password protected * Supports IIIF Image Server API – * Uses a powerful search interface * 100% compatible with [Gramps] data model Additional Information ———————- * Blog – * Mailing list – * Documentation – * Demo – Get Involved! ————- gPrime is looking for help on many different topics: * programming – in Python and Javascript * translation into other languages – see demo for what exists * CSS and HTML design – gPrime uses both gPrime is also looking for some advsiors! If you would like … (more)
ChatterBot 0.5.5
ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine. Home-page: Author: Gunther Cox Author-email: License: BSD Download-URL: Description: ..
Without Game of Thrones, HBO Will Rely on The Young Pope and Murderous Moms
Every spring since 2011, HBO has been able to rely on the new season of Game of Thrones and the audience surge that show provides. Last year, Season 6 helped the series become the network’s most-watched series ever, with an average of 25 million viewers on all platforms.
HTTPolice 0.4.0
As a command-line tool, it can read HAR files or raw HTTP/1.x TCP streams. It can integrate with mitmproxy for TLS-encrypted and HTTP/2 traffic.
toil 3.5.0a1.dev321
Toil is a scalable, efficient, cross-platform pipeline management system, written entirely in Python, and designed around the principles of functional programming. Full documentation for the latest stable release can be found at Read the Docs .
New JVM language stands apart from Scala, Clojure
Intended for building scalable systems, Eta is a strongly typed functional language. It’s similar to Scala , a JVM language that also emphasizes functional programming and scalability, and Clojure, another a functional language on the JVM .
How a PC-based control system is an option for every application
As automation technology accelerates in the industry, PC-based control is an option for every application and for successful implementation for Industrial Internet of Things and Industrie 4.0 initiatives. Controller specification is the most important stage of the development process for every industrial automation application.
Tesla’s Autopilot Head Said to Depart as Apple Engineer Hired
Sterling Anderson, Tesla Motor Inc.’s director of autopilot programs since November 2015, has left the Palo Alto, California-based maker of electric cars, according to a person familiar with the matter. Tesla announced Tuesday that it hired Chris Lattner as its vice president of autopilot software.
Full description=CGI application, based on Perl 5 and PostgreSQL, designed to provide helpdesk problem report management system for small to medium sized companies. It includes web and email interfaces for submitting, updating, and querying problem reports.
Introducing Erlang
If you’re new to Erlang, its functional style can seem difficult, but with help from this hands-on introduction, you’ll scale the learning curve and discover how enjoyable, powerful, and fun this language can be. In this updated second edition, author Simon St. Laurent shows you how to write simple Erlang programs by teaching you one basic skill at a time.
piglet 0.4.4
Piglet Templates ================ Piglet is a text and HTML templating language in the kid/genshi/kajiki family. The Piglet template engine offers: – Template inhertitance through py:extends/py:block – Compiles templates to fast python byte code.
Is The C Programming Language Declining In Popularity?
An anonymous reader writes: Java overtook C as the most popular language in mid-2015 on the TIOBE Programming Community index . But now over the last 13 months, they show C’s popularity consistently dropping more and more .
”wm” functions are implemented in Lisp for future extensibility or redefinition. Currently this includes menus , interactive window moving and resizing, virtual desktop, iconification, focus/transient window policies, frame theme definitions and much more.
”wm” functions are implemented in Lisp for future extensibility or redefinition. Currently this includes menus , interactive window moving and resizing, virtual desktop, iconification, focus/transient window policies, frame theme definitions and much more.
hash_benchmark added to PyPI
Install this package as per the above instructions in your project on hardware typical for your project’s production environment. # Tests hashing performance of your installations pbkdf2_sha256 # algorithm with 100,000 iterations > python hash_password -i 100000 Python: 2.7.10 [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 ] Django: 1.9.7 Using “pbkdf2_sha256” w/parameters , verification takes, on average, 0.0821s Now, decide if this “work factor” is appropriate for your project’s needs.
GenomeCAT: a versatile tool for the analysis and integrative…
The analysis of DNA copy number variants has increasing impact in the field of genetic diagnostics and research. However, the interpretation of CNV data derived from high resolution array CGH or NGS platforms is complicated by the considerable variability of the human genome.
GenomeCAT: a versatile tool for the analysis and integrative…
The analysis of DNA copy number variants has increasing impact in the field of genetic diagnostics and research. However, the interpretation of CNV data derived from high resolution array CGH or NGS platforms is complicated by the considerable variability of the human genome.
Kick Start with AngularJS 2.0 and Visual Studio
In this article I will demostrate to start with Angular 2.0 using Microsoft TypeScript 2.0 over .NET Framework with Visual Studio 2015. Node.js is an open-source , cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for developing a diverse variety of tools and applications.
Module and Revealing Module Patterns in JavaScript
This is the second post in the series of two posts on managing scope in JavaScript. In the first post I discussed Immediately Invoked Function Expressions in detail.
5 Ways You Can Instantly Become More Tech Savvy
With so many amazing resources available online and the growing reliance on technology, there has never been a better time to learn something new. Perhaps you want to widen your reach and turn your brick and mortar business into an e-commerce enterprise; maybe you need to develop new skills for your job or career goals; or, maybe you just want to use technology to make life more convenient and entertaining.
pynoti 1.2
How to install ————— “`shell pip install pynoti “` Usage —– “`python from pynoti import noti noti.Noti .run() noti.Noti .run() noti.Noti .run() noti.Noti .run() noti.Noti .run() “` Example ——– ![example1] Contributors ———— * Leonardo Javier Esparis Meza License ——- Copyright 2017 Leonardo Javier Esparis Meza and individual contributors. All rights reserved.
django-rest-framework-social-oauth2 1.0.5
The first aim of this package is to help setting up social auth for your rest api. It also helps setting up your Oauth2 provider.
Database Content Administration Application in 15 Lines of PHP Code
Introduction We will learn how to build a fully functional, single-page database content administration application using phpGrid and other PHP components with a minimum amount of code. The application will perform common data operations such as Create, Read, Update, Delete, otherwise known as CRUD We will learn how to build a fully functional, single-page database content administration application using phpGrid and other PHP components with a minimum amount of code.
social-auth 0.3.3
Python Social Auth is an easy-to-setup social authentication/registration mechanism with support for several frameworks and auth providers. Crafted using base code from django-social-auth, it implements a common interface to define new authentication providers from third parties, and to bring support for more frameworks and ORMs.
97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know
If you want to push your Java skills to the next level, this practical book provides expert advice from leading luminaries within the Java ecosystem. You’ll be encouraged to stretch yourself by learning new techniques, look at problems in new ways, take responsibility for your work, and become as good at the entire craft of programming as you possibly can.
Scala for Spark in Production
If you’re an Apache Spark developer, this practical book provides an introduction to the Scala programming language to help you get more out of this framework. Written in Scala, Spark uses its rich Domain-Specific Language abilities to present SQL views, extensibility, streaming, and DataFrames.
Can Learning Smalltalk Make You A Better Programmer?
Slashdot reader horrido shares an article that “has done more for Smalltalk advocacy than any other article in memory.” It was the second-most popular article of the year on the Hewlett Packard Enterprise site TechBeacon , with Richard Eng , the founder of the nonprofit Smalltalk Renaissance, arguing that the 44-year-old language is much more than a tool for teachers — and not just because Amber Smalltalk transpiles to JavaScript for front-end web programming.
robotframework 3.0.1rc1
Robot Framework is a generic open source test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development . It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach.
The best deals of 2016 from the Boing Boing Store
The Boing Boing Store had plenty of great items over the past year, but these 8 deals top each catagory. From course bundles in an array of professional programming and IT subjects to futuristic vaporizers, this guide features healthy discounts on leading tech finds.
django-codetalker added to PyPI
Codetalker ========== Codetalker is a simple Django app to include WordPress-like shortcode functionality. Detailed documentation is in the “docs” directory.
Full description=Kite is a programming language designed to minimize as much of the programmer experience as possible. It aims to allow quick development and running time and low CPU and memory usage.
GPkit is a Python package for defining and manipulating geometric programming models, abstracting away the backend solver. Supported solvers are MOSEK and CVXopt .
GPkit is a Python package for defining and manipulating geometric programming models, abstracting away the backend solver. Supported solvers are MOSEK and CVXopt .
Smart Fitness Apps Will Transform How You Work Out in 2017
We’ve been going to gyms for a very long time to get fit, slim, and trim. But in the short time that smartphones have been around, people have started embracing fitness apps to take their well-being into their own hands.
django-djaffar 0.1.8
Want to keep track of what your users do even when they don’t hit the server? Set up Djaffar on the server and make a request to the client API to log user activity to the database, including URI path, user name, browser session, IP address and user agent. Requirements ———— Django .
Critical flaw in PHPMailer library puts millions of websites at risk
A critical remote code execution vulnerability in PHPMailer, one of the most widely used PHP email sending libraries, could put millions of websites at risk of hacking. The flaw was found by a security researcher named Dawid Golunski and an initial fix was included in PHPMailer 5.2.18, which was released Saturday .
django-rest-secureview 0.0.2
At the moment, it focuses on enforcing specific model keys in POST params, or requiring that a User has a foreign key relation to a model they are accessing.
Arnold Spielberg (Steven’s dad) developed the first computer to run BASIC in 1964
Arnold Spielberg developed the computer that first ran the BASIC programming language on May 1, 1964. Here’s an interview with 99-year-old Arnold on the exciting early days of computers .