Unmaking the myths of our gendered minds

ONE of the best things about science is its ability to correct itself, spot flaws, poor evidence and bad claims, track the myths they spawn to their roots – and axe them. This process is vital, especially in areas such as race, IQ and gender, where false steps derail fields for years.

Is your smartphone making you shy?

During the three years I’ve spent researching and writing about shyness, one of the most common questions people ask is about the relationship between shyness and technology. Are the internet and the cellphone causing our social skills to atrophy? I often hear this from parents of shy teenagers, who are worried that their children are spending more time with their devices than with their peers.

Scott Ottaway photo

Dr. Scott Ottaway is Research Director, DevOps at IDC. His responsibilities focus on market analysis, tracking, forecasting and consulting on software development trends related to DevOps.

The complexity of plastic bags

As societies face increasingly complex problems, design is emerging as the tool to solve some of Asia’s biggest issues. Through field trips with designers skilled in human-centered design, the team behind Ethnographers’ Field Guide to Innovation , a new series on Singapore’s Channel NewsAsia, see how meaning is found in everyday surrounds and how people are key to unlocking innovation.