International Business Machines Corp. and Inc. agreed to mingle their artificial-intelligence technologies in a bid to boost sales of data-analytics offerings. The companies Monday announced plans to offer integrated AI services that weave the broad human-like conversation and learning capabilities of IBM’s Watson with Salesforce’s more sales-oriented Einstein technology.
Proxy proposal on Apple directors defeated at meeting
As is the case at many tech companies, members of such groups have been underrepresented at Apple compared with the general population. The pro area is very important to us.
Up Close and Personal Digitally.
The Wall Street Journal reports on how retailers are striving to keep consumers, current and potential, on their sites, physical and virtual and the tools and technology they have deployed offer a template for hoteliers to emulate and even enhance. The Journal article headlined ” Retailers Turn to Silicon Valley to Lure Customers” notes that high street is using “personalization” in their efforts to attract and retail clients.
Insider Buys Highlight for Week of Jan. -‘
Wojcicki bought 1,353 shares of CRM stock on Jan. 9 at the average price of $73.86 per share. The price of the stock has increased by 2.41% since.