Rating, ranking and recommending: Three R’s for the internet age

This holiday season, when we Google for the most trending gifts, compare different items on Amazon or take a break to watch a holiday movie on Netflix, we are making use of what might be called “the three R’s” of the Internet Age: rating, ranking and recommending. Much like the traditional “three R’s” of education “reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic” no modern education is complete without understanding how websites’ algorithms combine, process and synthesize information before presenting it to us.

Q&A: Get to the top of Google search results

Q&A: Get to the top of Google search results Having trouble getting noticed in search results? Follow these steps. Check out this story on USATODAY.com: http://usat.ly/2hW4iWJ Q: What’s the secret to getting on the first page of the Google search results? I want to create something but no one visits my site.

Five most interesting search marketing news stories of the week

Welcome to our weekly round-up of all the latest news and research from the world of search marketing and beyond. This week, Google has been spotted testing a new user ratings feature in film and television search results; the National Football League has rowed back its heavy-handed social media policy; and a new report has revealed the distance that still remains between the marketing and IT sides of a business in the digital age.