Cushman Library, 28 Church St., presents Story Hour every Wednesday through mid-June, from 4 to 5 p.m. All ages of children are welcome.
Category: Social Software
Italian incubator H-Farm prepares for a new crop with a campus slated to open in 2018
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3 Top Virtual Reality Stocks to Buy Now
There are plenty of companies dabbling in virtual reality these days, but only a handful are making big plays in the space. Facebook fall into the latter category, and investors on the hunt for solid virtual reality stocks to buy now should give these three a good look.
Artists, officials clash over safety of underground venues
About a week after 36 people died in a fire at an underground music party in Oakland, inspectors acting on a complaint discovered a makeshift nightclub and unpermitted living quarters concealed in a warehouse near Los Angeles International Airport. Authorities searching the drab, two-story building found an illegally constructed dance floor, paired with a bar and DJ booth.
US companies want to play Chinaa s game. They just cana t win it.
In January 2016, the video-streaming service announced an ambitious global expansion. The goal was to beam American hits such as “House of Cards” around the world including, eventually, in China.
Underground music gets scrutiny after deadly Oakland fire
About a week after 36 people died in a fire at an underground music party in Oakland, inspectors acting on a complaint discovered a makeshift nightclub and unpermitted living quarters concealed in a warehouse near Los Angeles International Airport. Authorities searching the drab, two-story building found an illegally constructed dance floor, paired with a bar and DJ booth.
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Our legislators and the citizens who elect them should re-examine the concept of the social contract between communities and the schools that fortify them to fully appreciate the role of public education today. This is surely not a problem that can be solved on, say, Facebook.
Yahoo Hack: Change Your Passwords
We just wanted to let you know that our site content is, of course, available to you absolutely free of charge. Our ads are the only way we have to be able to bring you the latest high-quality content, which is written by professional journalists, with the help of editors, graphic designers, and our site production and I.T. staff, as well as many other talented people who work around the clock for this site.
Gibson: The language of the new public square
From President-elect Donald Trump to Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer, Twitter is the preferred means of instant communication, as strange as it may seem for Americans not accustomed to officials bypassing traditional media and tweeting in 140-character bites.
Nigeria can become Africa’s outsourcing headquarters for data…
A Nigerian newspaper and Online version of the Vanguard, a daily publication in Nigeria covering Niger delta, general national news, politics, business, energy, sports, entertainment, fashion,lifestyle human interest stories, etc He got a global recognition at the INSNA conference in California after concluding his PhD sabbatical which took him across three nations – London, India and America. Bayo Adekanmbi, C-Level Executive, MTN, recently completed a globally acclaimed book titled “The Future is Shared”.
Nigeria can become Africa’s outsourcing headquarters for data…
A Nigerian newspaper and Online version of the Vanguard, a daily publication in Nigeria covering Niger delta, general national news, politics, business, energy, sports, entertainment, fashion,lifestyle human interest stories, etc He got a global recognition at the INSNA conference in California after concluding his PhD sabbatical which took him across three nations – London, India and America. Bayo Adekanmbi, C-Level Executive, MTN, recently completed a globally acclaimed book titled “The Future is Shared”.
Google Cloud Hires Former Microsoft Exec With Open Source Pedigree
A former Microsoft exec with a broad range of professional expertise around open source technologies is headed to Google, the Internet giant confirmed on Thursday. Google wouldn’t elaborate on the role Sam Ramji will fill at the Mountain View, Calif.-based Internet giant.