Russian hackers could go after Congress next a ” and not just to read their email

Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday took turns questioning top intelligence officials, who say investigative agencies found compelling evidence of Russian cyber-hacking throughout the 2016 election cycle. Senate Intelligence Committee member Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., during the committee’s hearing Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2017, on Russian intelligence activities.

Trump’s boldest campaign promises are getting a reality check

President-elect Donald Trump holds his first news conference since July 27, 2016, on Jan. 11, 2017, in New York City. During his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly promised voters a “big, beautiful wall,” an Obamacare replacement ” immediately ” and a new era for a Veterans Affairs agency that had “failed” service members.

U.S. spy chief ‘resolute’ on Russia cyber attack, differs with Trump

The top U.S. intelligence official said on Thursday he was “even more resolute” in his belief that Russia staged cyber attacks on Democrats during the 2016 election campaign, rebuking persistent skepticism from Republican President-elect Donald Trump about whether Moscow was involved. James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, said he had a very high level of confidence that Russia hacked Democratic Party and campaign staff email, and disseminated propaganda and fake news aimed at the Nov. 8 election.

Russian hacking hits home in Vermont

Russian hackers penetrated a computer at the Burlington Electric Department that is not connected to the electrical grid, officials say. Burlington Electric found out about the malware when the U.S. Department of Homeland Security notified the utility about a hacking campaign called Grizzly Steppe.

GOP Joe Walsh Claims ‘Many’ Fox People Think Obama’s A Muslim

Deadbeat dad former Congressman Joe Walsh , who has denigrated double-amputee Tammy Duckworth’s war record despite never bothering to serve his country himself, went on quite the Twitter rant today accusing President Obama of being a Muslim.From Walsh’s Twitter feed : For the past week, everybody has been asking again why Obama hates Israel. The answer is simple really: I think Obama is Muslim.

Trump Transition Team: Russia Hacks And Wikileaks Had No Effect On Election

Rep. Chris Collins, the first House member who backed Donald Trump and now a member of his transition team told CNN that he believes Russia was behind the hacks, but they had no bearing on the outcome of the general election. The proof is that during the election season, Donald Trump and his surrogates relentlessly and breathlessly repeated every hacked email and unconfirmed rumor that emanated from these leaks, including many from the New York FBI field office, and never stopped hammering away at them.

Trump Transition Team: Russia Hacks And Wikileaks Had No Effect On Election

Rep. Chris Collins, the first House member who backed Donald Trump and now a member of his transition team told CNN that he believes Russia was behind the hacks, but they had no bearing on the outcome of the general election. The proof is that during the election season, Donald Trump and his surrogates relentlessly and breathlessly repeated every hacked email and unconfirmed rumor that emanated from these leaks, including many from the New York FBI field office, and never stopped hammering away at them.

Hero-astronaut John Glenn to lie in state in Ohio

John Glenn’s original jumpsuit he wore during his orbit around the earth aboard the Friendship 7 scapecraft is displayed alongside a photograph of the astronaut at the John & Annie Glenn Museum, Friday, Dec. 9, 2016, in New Concord, Ohio. Glenn, whose 1962 flight as the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth made him an all-American hero and propelled him to a long career in the U.S. Senate, died Thursday.

Obama orders review of election-season hacking

President Barack Obama has ordered intelligence officials to conduct a broad review of election-season cyberattacks, including the email hacks that rattled the presidential campaign and raised fresh concerns about Russia’s meddling in U.S. elections, the White House said Friday. The review, led by intelligence agencies, will be a “deep dive” into a possible pattern of increased “malicious cyber activity” timed to the campaign season, White House spokesman Eric Schultz said.


1966 edition of LIFE Magazine bearing the likeness of John Glenn rests in a showcase at the John & Annie Glenn Museum, Friday, Dec. 9, 2016, in New Concord, Ohio. Glenn was the first American to orbit Earth, pilot… .

Senate agrees to waive most California Guard bonus repayments

The Senate overwhelmingly approved a defense appropriations bill Thursday that contains a provision intended to help thousands of California National Guard soldiers and veterans facing repayment demands for enlistment bonuses. The final version of the bill, which already has passed the House, was approved 92 to 7 and now moves to President Obama ‘s desk for his signature.