How Democrats, media are pushing ‘white nationalism’ on Trump team

Alan Dershowitz, who is a famed professor of law and advocate of human rights, defended Stephen Bannon today against accusations that the Executive Chairman of Breitbart News is an anti-Semite. In an interview today with Steve Kornacki of MSNBC, Dershowitz said that there is "no evidence to support that" Bannon is anti-Semitic.

Keith Ellison picks up backing of Harry Reid in race for next DNC chairman

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., has emerged as a leading candidate for the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee. MUST CREDIT: Washington Post photo by Linda Davidson Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., picked up another high-profile supporter on Sunday in his expected bid to become the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee: outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid, D-Nev.

Amid DNC Reckoning, Ellison Emerges as Progressive Antidote to Trump

Amid the growing post-election call for a " reckoning " within the Democratic Party, Rep. Keith Ellison on Minnesota has swiftly emerged as the favored progressive choice to lead that transition. "Liberal lawmakers and advocacy groups have started plotting a major overhaul of the Democratic National Committee ," the Washington Post reported late Thursday, with the first step being a replacement for the embattled interim chair Donna Brazile.

VA moves to restrict treason symbols at cemeteries

Flowers and a Confederate flag lay at the base of a marker at Gettysburg National Military Park in Pennsylvania in 2013. The Civil War has been over for 151 years, and Department of Veterans Affairs cemeteries, which began three years prior, have finally decided to restrict flags representing the killers of U.S. government soldiers.

Huffman’s Flag Ban Rises from the Ashes

The Department of Veterans' Affairs announced yesterday that it will ban the flying of Confederate flags in national cemeteries. The announcement comes exactly two months after House Republicans voted to remove legislation sponsored by Representative Jared Huffman that would accomplish similar a similar end from a VA appropriations bill.

Nation-Now 33 mins ago 6:18 p.m.Lawmakers seek congressional hearing on police shootings

Democratic members of Congress called Thursday for a congressional hearing to examine fatal shootings of black people by police officers in Baton Rouge, La., Minnesota and elsewhere. At a news conference in the Capitol, members of the Congressional Black Caucus also said they wished to meet with House Republican leaders to discuss concerns about what they call the alarming rate of deaths of black men and women by law enforcement officials.

Democrats approved platform draft with Sandersa imprint

Democrats approved a draft of the party platform early Saturday that includes steps to break up large Wall Street banks, advocates for a $15 an hour wage and urges the abolition of the death penalty, reflecting the influence of Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign. Supporters of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton defeated measures pushed by Sanders' allies that would have promoted a Medicare-for-all single-payer health care system, a carbon tax to address climate change and impose a moratorium on hydraulic fracking.

Democrats reject platform proposal opposing trade deal

Democrats on Friday voted down an amendment to the party's platform that would have opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, avoiding an awkward scenario that would have put its statement of values at odds with President Barack Obama. Members of a Democratic National Convention drafting committee defeated a proposal led by Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., that would have added language rejecting the Pacific Rim trade pact, which has been opposed by presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Democrats approved platform draft with Sanders’ imprint

Democrats approved a draft of the party platform early Saturday that includes steps to break up large Wall Street banks, advocates for a $15 an hour wage and urges the abolition of the death penalty, reflecting the influence of Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign. Supporters of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton defeated measures pushed by Sanders' allies that would have promoted a Medicare-for-all single-payer health care system, a carbon tax to address climate change and impose a moratorium on hydraulic fracking.

Sanders endgame focused on keeping his – revolution’ alive

The Vermont senator is executing an intricate endgame to the Democratic primary that he hopes will continue to inspire the 12 million voters who flocked to him, while drawing lines in the political sand that Hillary Clinton and other establishment leaders won't dare to cross. But come January, he will face an existential test: Can his self-proclaimed revolution survive the move from stadiums roaring with adoring fans to the wood-paneled congressional hearing rooms and private political offices of Washington? Sanders' allies believe their colleague, a 25-year veteran of the House and Senate, returns to his job as a senator in Washington with new power to influence and shape policy on the issues he built his campaign on.

Sanders to get more of a say with convention platform

Bernie Sanders supporters will occupy a third of all seats on the Democratic Party's 2016 platform committee, the Democratic National Committee announced Monday, an agreement that will allow the Vermont senator to wield sizable influence on the party's platform this year. Sanders and his supporters have complained for months that the Democratic Party was tilted against his insurgent bid and are worried that should he lose to Hillary Clinton - as he is expected to do - the issues that have animated his bid will not find a place at July's Democratic National Convention.

How’s Minneapolis doing? Well, that depends…

During her State of the City address this week, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges emphasized the yin and yang of a city with remarkable attributes but also deep challenges - especially regarding race and equity. That dichotomy is illustrated in the Minneapolis Public Schools - a district that does a great job educating some students but struggles mightily with others.