Tom Perez struggles to defend Democratsa #MeToo record amid Keith Ellison accusations

Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez ran into trouble Sunday after insisting that the party has "never hesitated to take action" on misconduct allegations against Democratic officials, including DNC deputy chair Keith Ellison . Mr. Perez defended the DNC's refusal to call for the resignation of Mr. Ellison over his ex-girlfriend's domestic-abuse accusation, arguing that the Democratic Party has a better record of dealing with such charges than does the GOP.

The Latest: Court denies Ellison’s bid to block divorce file

Minnesota's Court of Appeals has denied Rep. Keith Ellison's effort to block the release of his divorce records. The Minnesota Democrat's divorce records from his ex-wife, Kim Ellison, have drawn sharp interest since Ellison's former girlfriend accused him in August of domestic abuse.

Should you care more about a politician’s morals or policies?

As Brett Kavanaugh begins his tenure on the Supreme Court, riding a wave of conservative support, a new poll shows a majority of self-identified Republicans would still vote for a candidate even if they were accused of sexual harassment. Those polled said they were willing to overlook such allegations as long as the candidate agreed with their political views.

At Rochester rally, Trump makes a case for Minnesota Republicans in November

In a wide-ranging speech in front of a capacity crowd at Mayo Civic Center, President Donald Trump touted his achievement along with Minnesota GOP hopefuls. The rally also drew a large group of protesters.

Keith Ellison insists there are ‘no similarities’ between his situation and Brett Kavanaugh’s

The Kavanaugh uproar has brought domestic-abuse allegations against Rep. Keith Ellison back into the spotlight, but the Minnesota Democrat insisted Wednesday that there are "no similarities" between the two cases. Asked by WCCO radio 's Dave Lee if he "saw similarities" between his situation and that of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, Mr. Ellison replied, "Absolutely not."

DFL forwards Ellison review to law enforcement

A lawyer's investigation has failed to substantiate a woman's claims of domestic abuse against Minnesota attorney general candidate Keith Ellison , according to a published report . However, the report that was leaked Monday to the Associated Press has been turned over to law enforcement rather than the rest of the news media.

APNewsBreak: Attorney: Ellison abuse claim unsubstantiated

An ex-girlfriend's allegation that Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison once physically abused her could not be substantiated because she refused to provide video she said she had of the incident, an attorney hired to investigate the claims concluded in a draft report obtained Monday by The Associated Press. The report was compiled by Susan Ellingstad, a lawyer hired by Minnesota's Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party to investigate the allegation against the Democratic congressman.

PAC targets politicians it says act against women’s interest

The Stanford University law professor who led the successful recall of a California judge over his handling of a sexual assault case announced Monday that she is broadening her fight to target politicians. Michele Dauber said the Enough is Enough Voter Project will raise money to campaign against candidates for state legislature or Congress.

Dem Sen. Mazie Hirono says abuse allegations against Keith Ellison should be investigated

Hawaii Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono on Sunday called for an investigation into allegations of physical and emotional abuse against Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison, who is running for attorney general of Minnesota. Ellison has denied the allegations and suggested they were politically motivated -- coming just days before Minnesota's Democratic primary for attorney general.

Joe Kennedy’s tweet on sexual assault insensitivity is a bit much

Should any member of the Kennedy family be lecturing any other politician about insensitivity to the rape and abuse of females? On Friday morning, the president tweeted out, re: the Kavanaugh-Ford contretemps: "I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time and place!" "2 of 3 sexual assaults are never reported.

As Ellison departs Congress, Omar chases another first

In this June 5, 2018, file photo, State Rep. Ilhan Omar, the first Somali-American elected to a state legislature, files to run for the 5th district congressional seat that U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison is vacating to run for Minnesota attorney general, at the Minnesota Secretary of State's office in St. Paul, Minn. The race has pitted Omar, a rising star in the Democratic Party, against older, more established Democrats, echoing similar races nationwide as a younger generation heads to Washington.

Has Keith Ellison Repented of His Call for Censorship?

It's good to see that Rep. Keith Ellison's shocking letter to Amazon, calling for blatant censorship, has been removed from his website . But has he publicly renounced his letter, both in spirit and in substance? If not, then Ellison's missive represents just one more example of the radical left's attempt to suppress and silence opposing views.

As attorney general, Doug Wardlow would insist on ‘rule of law’

If Doug Wardlow becomes attorney general, a new sheriff will have arrived in town - one with an "R" on his badge for the first time since 1971. "If you want an attorney general who will protect consumers, be tough on crime, prosecute welfare fraud and keep Minnesota safe," the endorsed Republican attorney general candidate said in a recent Tweet, "vote for Doug Wardlow."

Amid anguish, Mpls. police shooting investigation begins

Video : Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and Police Chief Medaria Arradondo urged patience as the BCA takes up the investigation of Thurman Blevins's fatal shooting. About 300 people gathered Sunday afternoon at the Minneapolis Police Department's Fourth Precinct headquarters on Plymouth Avenue N. to grieve and protest in the wake of Saturday night's fatal police shooting of a 31-year-old black man.