Several area students attended the recent McKinley dinner organized…

As they gathered to honor Ohio native William McKinley, the country's 25th president, Huron County Republicans received the opportunity to visit with several candidates running for office in next month's general election. Judge Gene Zmuda, currently on the Lucas County Common Pleas Court judge and candidate for the 6th District Court of Appeals, introduced the keynote speaker for the recently McKinley dinner Judge Craig Baldwin, a candidate for the Ohio Supreme Court.

At Ohio rally, Trump touts ‘historic week for America’

President Donald Trump took a victory lap in Ohio on Friday, touting a that began with the installation of his second Supreme Court justice and concluded with the release of an American detained in Turkey. Jocular and boastful, Trump barnstormed - in what was a barn on a rural fairgrounds - for Ohio's gubernatorial and congressional candidates, but, as he often does, spent much of the hour-plus speech touting his own track record.

NJ Senator Cory Booker Stumps in Akron for Cordray and Other Ohio Democrats

New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker closed his half-hour speech in Akron on Saturday by taking a selfie with the Democratic gubernatorial ticket of Rich Cordray and Betty Sutton. One of the possible contenders in the 2020 presidential race was in Northeast Ohio over the weekend to drum up support for Rich Cordray in the race for governor.

At Ohio rally, Trump touts ‘historic week for America’ Source: AP

President Donald Trump took a victory lap in Ohio on Friday, touting a "really historic week for America" that began with the installation of his second Supreme Court justice and concluded with the release of an American detained in Turkey. Jocular and boastful, Trump barnstormed - in what was a barn on a rural fairgrounds - for Ohio's gubernatorial and congressional candidates, but, as he often does, spent much of the hour-plus speech touting his own track record.

Banks back Democrats in bid to rebuild bipartisan support

Banks are going to bat for Democrats in the U.S. November midterm congressional elections as part of an ambitious strategy to rebuild the bipartisan support they enjoyed before the 2007-2009 financial crisis. Senator Heidi Heitkamp walks at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., August 22, 2018.

Ohio Sens. Brown, Portman still split on Kavanaugh nomination

Sen. Rob Portman voted Friday to clear the way for a floor vote Saturday on whether to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, while Sen. Sherrod Brown voted to block the nomination. By a vote of 51-to-49, the Senate agreed to a procedural motion to continue floor debate on Kavanaugh.

Steve Dettelbach unveils opioids plan, says Republicans have failed: Capitol Letter

An Ohio Statehouse north-side garden showcases a poppy quilt design to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. Attacking addiction: Steve Dettelbach, the Democratic attorney general candidate, unveiled his plan to combat Ohio's opioid epidemic. He told's Laura Hancock he opposes Issue 1 but supports other ideas for criminal justice reform.

Deported Ohio mother of 4 reunited with family

A Fairfield mother of four who was deported to Mexico in April 2017 is now back home with her family, attorneys say. Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. represents Maribel Trujillo Diaz and says she was returned to the U.S. from Mexico to attend her ongoing immigration hearings at the Cleveland Immigration Court.

Joe Kennedy’s tweet on sexual assault insensitivity is a bit much

Should any member of the Kennedy family be lecturing any other politician about insensitivity to the rape and abuse of females? On Friday morning, the president tweeted out, re: the Kavanaugh-Ford contretemps: "I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time and place!" "2 of 3 sexual assaults are never reported.

Stop the theatrics, respect the process

If fleeting youthful indiscretions could not be erased by years of reasonable, mature behavior, few of us would ever have amounted to anything. Democrat leaders in the U.S. Senate are in a panic to stop the appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, and in a last-ditch effort they have pinned their hope to an allegation that he behaved inappropriately with a girl when he was in high school.

Funding fix for Dayton center for drug-exposed babies OK’d by Senate

The Ohio Department of Medicaid says it is working on a proposal to the federal government to allow the health-insurance program to cover some of the care at Brigid's Path, the state's only standalone recovery center for drug-exposed infants. The nonprofit center opened in December in the Dayton area and has had to limit services to eight infants at a time, despite high demand and 24 beds.

Barack Obama in Cleveland: Republicans ‘Try to pit one against another.’

In Cleveland Thursday night, Obama showed why he might be Democrats' biggest asset this fall, drumming up enthusiasm by condemning fearmongering from Republicans, chastising apathetic voters and lauding praise on Ohio gubernatorial candidate Rich Cordray , an early Obama supporter locked in a tight race with Republican Mike DeWine. Breaking with years of political precedent, Obama is openly criticizing his successor, President Donald Trump, while campaigning for Democrats such as Ohio gubernatorial hopeful Rich Cordray.

Obama visits Ohio to stump for Democratic candidate for governor Richard Cordray

Cordray, the former federal consumer watchdog, faces Republican state Attorney General Mike DeWine in one of the season's most anticipated governor's races. President Trump visited Ohio in August to campaign speak at a rally for DeWine.

Ap Fact Check: Tester did rank No. 1 in cash from lobbyists Source: Ap

Republicans say in a television ad that Montana U.S. Sen. Jon Tester has taken more money from lobbyists than any other member of Congress as he seeks to fend off a challenge from Republican State Auditor Matt Rosendale. Tester, a third-generation farmer and former president of the Montana Senate, has a reputation as a populist.