At Ohio rally, Trump touts ‘historic week for America’

President Donald Trump took a victory lap in Ohio on Friday, touting a that began with the installation of his second Supreme Court justice and concluded with the release of an American detained in Turkey. Jocular and boastful, Trump barnstormed - in what was a barn on a rural fairgrounds - for Ohio's gubernatorial and congressional candidates, but, as he often does, spent much of the hour-plus speech touting his own track record.

At Ohio rally, Trump touts ‘historic week for America’ Source: AP

President Donald Trump took a victory lap in Ohio on Friday, touting a "really historic week for America" that began with the installation of his second Supreme Court justice and concluded with the release of an American detained in Turkey. Jocular and boastful, Trump barnstormed - in what was a barn on a rural fairgrounds - for Ohio's gubernatorial and congressional candidates, but, as he often does, spent much of the hour-plus speech touting his own track record.

Watch Beck Perform With Dave Grohl at a Backyard Political Fundraiser

Over the weekend, Beck made an appearance at a private Swing Left fundraiser in Los Angeles benefitting Aftab Pureval, a candidate for congress in Ohio. The backyard party saw Beck performing with Dave Grohl and The Bird And the Bee , a duo consisting of Inara George and Greg Kurstin, as his backing band.

Barack Obama in Cleveland: Republicans ‘Try to pit one against another.’

In Cleveland Thursday night, Obama showed why he might be Democrats' biggest asset this fall, drumming up enthusiasm by condemning fearmongering from Republicans, chastising apathetic voters and lauding praise on Ohio gubernatorial candidate Rich Cordray , an early Obama supporter locked in a tight race with Republican Mike DeWine. Breaking with years of political precedent, Obama is openly criticizing his successor, President Donald Trump, while campaigning for Democrats such as Ohio gubernatorial hopeful Rich Cordray.

Four Democrats outraise GOP incumbents in Ohio U.S. House races

Four Democratic challengers out raised Republican U.S. House incumbents last quarter, including Rep. Steve Stivers, the Upper Arlington Republican who oversees the House Republicans' campaign efforts. Stivers raised $484,242 last quarter to newcomer Rick Neal's $496,309 - a difference of more than $10,000.

Democratic candidate says he won’t back Pelosi for Speaker

A Democrat seeking to flip Ohio's 1st Congressional District in November says he won't support U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi for Speaker if the party regains control of the House of Representatives. Cincinnati's Aftab Pureval has joined a growing list of Democratic congressional candidates who are distancing themselves from the House minority leader from California.

Paul Ryan raised $700k for House Republicans in Ohio fundraising swing

EPA board to review science 'transparency' rule Ryan: 'I disagree' with Trump's tariffs Trump pours kerosene on the global trade wars MORE raised around $700,000 for Republican House candidates in Ohio in a fundraising swing through the state this week. Robert Jones Portman California, Ohio senators unveil wager for NBA finals Overnight Finance: Trump move raises trade tensions with China for a fundraiser on behalf of state Sen. Troy Balderson , who is running for an open House seat in Ohio's 12th district.

Here’s how Ohio’s primaries shook out

Democratic Party voters turned out in larger numbers than past primaries this year - but does that signal a blue wave crashing in November? Hello, all! Did you vote yesterday? You probably want to know how that all turned out, eh? Or heck, maybe you were like me and stayed glued to the Hamilton County Board of Elections' site all night. Either way, let's take a look at how the whole thing went.

Justice official defends Mueller, sees no cause for firing

House Republicans ratcheted up criticism of special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian meddling Wednesday, questioning whether there was bias on his team of lawyers but stopping short of calling for his firing or resignation. The criticism directed toward Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein at a House Judiciary Committee hearing comes after the release of anti-Donald Trump text messages exchanged between two FBI officials later assigned to the Russia probe.

FBI Director Grilled by House Judiciary over Rogue FBI Agent Fired from Mueller Team

On Thursday morning, FBI Director Christopher Wray was grilled by the House Judiciary Committee on the merits of a recent Trump tweet, where he declared the FBI in tatters. This was in response to news that an FBI agent working with Robert Mueller's investigatory team addressing Russian interference in the 2016 election had sent anti-Trump tweets to a girlfriend.

Rep. Steve Chabot’s campaign has paid son-in-law’s firm…

Rep. Steve Chabot's campaign has paid his son-in-law's company more than $150,000 for website design and other services over the last six years. WASHINGTON - Rep. Steve Chabot's campaign has paid his son-in-law's company more than $150,000 for website design and other Internet services since 2011.

Lawmakers alarmed by scale of IRS security threats

Lawmakers are sounding the alarm over the vulnerability of sensitive taxpayer data as the Internal Revenue Service's deadline for the 2017 tax filing season looms. Cyber criminals have increasingly turned to hacking and phishing email schemes to obtain sensitive taxpayer information, which can be used to commit tax fraud or identity theft.